Snyk AppRisk Essentials vs Snyk AppRisk Pro

Snyk AppRisk helps AppSec teams implement, manage, and scale a modern AppSec program. Snyk AppRisk is available as two separate offerings: Snyk AppRisk Essentials and Snyk AppRisk Pro. Snyk AppRisk Essentials helps AppSec teams better operationalize and scale Snyk usage with visibility into code-based assets and security coverage management and is included with all Snyk Enterprise plans. Snyk AppRisk Essentials includes support for integrations with developer portals such as Backstage and Harness and CMDBs such as ServiceNow to bring together context on application ownership and other metadata relevant to visibility and remediation use cases.

Snyk AppRisk Pro provides a more holistic view of application risk for prioritization and overall visibility into the performance of your AppSec program. Insights for Snyk AppRisk Pro introduces risk factors from runtime environments, such as whether an application is deployed and public facing, to help AppSec teams focus on the issues that really matter. The product also offers application-centric reporting through Application Analytics to help teams measure the effectiveness of their AppSec program.

Capabilities and features

Snyk AppRisk Essentials
Snyk AppRisk Pro


Included with all Enterprise plans.

Available for sale; reach out to your account manager for more information.


Helps Snyk customers better manage their developer-first application security program with Snyk.

Helps Snyk customers prioritize with Insights risk factors from runtime data sources, and manage and scale their developer-first application security program more holistically.

Integrations and Data Sources

  • SCM

  • Application Context - Developer Portals, Service Catalogs, CMDBs

  • Jira integration

In addition to Essentials:

  • 3rd party secrets

  • 3rd party Runtime, observability, cloud, CNAPP

  • Snyk Runtime Sensor

Discovery and visibility

  • Discover and classify code-based assets and runtime-based assets (repositories, packages, images).

  • Issue counts identified by Snyk

  • Discover and classify code and runtime-based assets (repositories, packages, images).

  • Issue counts identified by Snyk and view issue counts identified by third-party tools.

Security coverage management

Ensure these assets are covered by Snyk.

Ensure these assets are covered by Snyk or other third-party tools.

Issue prioritization

Prioritize with asset and application context, and automate risk management workflows for assets using policies.

Manage risk holistically by:

  • Prioritizing issues posing greatest risk with runtime Insights.

  • Tracking and reporting upon program health with risk and coverage metrics via Application Analytics.

When and why to use Snyk AppRisk Essentials

Snyk AppRisk Essentials is ideal for AppSec teams looking to streamline their developer-first security programs. The integrated capabilities offered by Snyk are useful for managing security scope for code-based assets. Snyk AppRisk Essentials is ideal for foundational security practices in organizations. It offers efficient automated workflows and clear visibility into code-based vulnerabilities. By focusing on essential security coverage and prioritization, Snyk AppRisk Essentials provides a solid starting point for teams embarking on their security journey or those who require a focused, efficient approach to application security.

When and why to use Snyk AppRisk Pro

Snyk AppRisk Pro offers a comprehensive view of both code and runtime environments, and seamlessly integrates with third-party tools for a complete security perspective. Snyk AppRisk Pro is a great solution if you want to also use third-party integrations. Covering the entire development to runtime spectrum, it incorporates application context, covering the entire development to runtime spectrum. With Snyk AppRisk Pro you can take action with confidence, knowing that you are making informed decisions based on relevant data. Through the use of automation and comprehensive metrics, you can attain exceptional security coverage and risk management, leading to the ongoing success of your program.

Last updated