Examples for the Update existing integration endpoint

Examples follow for the Update existing integration endpoint in the Integrations (v1) API.

Set up Broker for an existing integration


curl --include \
     --request PUT \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     --header "Authorization: token API_KEY" \
     --data-binary "{
    \"type\": \"github\",
    \"broker\": { \"enabled\": true }
}" \


  "id": "9a3e5d90-b782-468a-a042-9a2073736f0b",
  "brokerToken": "4a18d42f-0706-4ad0-b127-24078731fbed"

Possible values for Type (integration type, enum)

acr, artifactory-cr, azure-repos, bitbucket-cloud, bitbucket-server, digitalocean-cr, docker-hub, ecr, gcr, github, github-cr, github-enterprise, gitlab, gitlab-cr, google-artifact-cr, harbor-cr, nexus-cr, quay-cr

Credentials needed for the integration you are updating

AcrCredentials: object username: required. string password: required, string registryBase: required, string, for example, name.azurecr.io

OR ArtifactoryCrCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string registryBase: required, string, for example, name.jfrog.io

OR AzureReposCredentials: object username: required, string url: required, string

OR BitbucketCloudCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string

OR BitbucketServerCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string url: required, string

OR DigitalOceanCrCredentials: object token: required, string, Personal Access Token

OR DockerHubCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string, Access Token

OR EcrCredentials: object region: required, string, for example, eu-west-3 roleArn: required, string, for example, arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/<newRole>

OR GcrCredentials: object password: required, string, JSON key file registryBase: required, string, for example, gcr.io, us.gcr.io, eu.gcr.io, asia.gcr.io

OR GitHubCredentials: object token: required, string

OR GitHubCrCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string egistryBase: required, string, for example ghcr.io

OR GitHubEnterpriseCredentials: object token: required, string url: required, string

OR GitLabCredentials: object token: required, string url: string. for self-hosted GitLab only

OR GitLabCrCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string registryBase: required, string, for example, your.gitlab.host

OR GoogleArtifactCrCredentials: object password: required, string, JSON key file registryBase: required, string, for example, us-east1-docker.pkg.dev, europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev

OR HarborCrCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string registryBase: required, string, for example, your.harbor.host

OR NexusCrCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string registryBase: required, string, for example, your.nexus.host

OR QuayCrCredentials: object username: required, string password: required, string registryBase: required, string, for example, quay.io, your.quay.host

Snyk permissions needed

View Organization View Integrations Edit Integrations

Update credentials for an existing non-brokered integration


curl --include \
     --request PUT \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     --header "Authorization: token API_KEY" \
     --data-binary "{
    \"type\": \"gitlab\",
    \"credentials\": { \"token\": \"GITLAB_TOKEN\" }
}" \


  "id": "9a3e5d90-b782-468a-a042-9a2073736f0b"

Possible values for Type (integration type, enum)

Same as values for Set up Broker for an existing integration.

Credentials needed for the integration you are updating

Same as credentials for Set up Broker for an existing integration.

Snyk permissions needed

View Organization View Integrations Edit Integrations

Disable broker for an existing integration


curl --include \
     --request PUT \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     --header "Authorization: token API_KEY" \
     --data-binary "{
    \"type\": \"github\",
    \"broker\": { \"enabled\": false },
    \"credentials\": { \"token\": \"GITHUB_TOKEN\" }
}" \


  "id": "9a3e5d90-b782-468a-a042-9a2073736f0b"

Last updated

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