Project issue paths API endpoints

The following provides information in addition to the information in the API Reference for the endpoints List all project issue paths and List all project snapshot issue paths.

The paths endpoints provide details of the paths through which an issue has been introduced.

Requests to the paths endpoint are GET requests. The endpoints are available at the following URLs:

  •<orgId>/project/<projectId>/issue/<issueId>/paths (List all project issue paths). This returns the paths for an issue in the most recent test of the Project.

  •<orgId>/project/<projectId>/history/<snapshotId>/issue/<issueId>/paths (List all project snapshot issue paths). This returns the paths for an issue in a specific test of the Project.

Both of the paths endpoints can take a query string allowing for pagination, for example,?page=2&perPage=500.

By default, the first page of 100 results is returned. Up to 1,000 results can be requested per page.

The response has the following structure:

    "snapshotId": "6d5813be-7e6d-4ab8-80c2-1e3e2a454553",
    "paths": [...],
    "total": 193,
    "links": {
        "prev": "<>...",
        "next": "<>...",
        "last": "<>..."
  • snapshotId is the ID of the Project snapshot from which the paths were returned.

  • total is the total number of paths for the issue in the snapshot.

  • links provides convenience links for navigating between pages of the response. and links.prev are provided only if such a page exists. For example, when you retrieve the last page of results, it does not include a next link.

  • paths is an array, each element of which is a path through the dependency tree. Each path is itself an array of package descriptors, for example:

    "paths": [
            { "name": "lodash", "version": "4.17.4", "fixVersion": "4.17.20" }
            { "name": "babel-template", "version": "6.26.0", "fixVersion": "6.26.0" },
            { "name": "lodash", "version": "4.17.10" }

In this example, an issue is introduced through two different versions of the lodash package, one of which is a direct dependency while the other is indirect through babel-template.

The shortest path is provided first. If an issue applies to the Project itself, it appears as the only element in the path. For issues that apply to dependencies, each path starts with a direct dependency.

The fixVersion attribute is provided on the first element of each path when that path is upgradable. If the version attribute and fixVersion attributes are the same, then the upgrade will only involve re-locking transitive dependencies.

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