API endpoints index and tips
This index and notes section of the documentation provides, in addition to this index, solutions for specific use cases, scenarios for using Snyk APIs, and pages with detailed information about using Snyk API endpoints:
See also the following sections on specific APIs:
For more information about using the Snyk API, see the API support articles.
This index includes the categories and names of REST GA and beta and V1 API endpoints, with the URL in the reference docs for each endpoint, and links to related information where available. REST is the default, and GA is the status unless beta is noted. V1 API is specified where applicable. This index is a work in progress; additional information is being added continually.
AccessRequests (beta)
More information: Snyk Apps
Replaces: DEPRECATED Revoke app bot authorization
DEPRECATED Create a new app for an organization
Replaced by: Create a new Snyk App for an organization
More information: Create a Snyk App using the Snyk API
Replaces: DEPRECATED Get a list of apps created by an organization
More information: Manage App details
Replaced by: Update app creation attributes such as name, redirect URIs, and access token time to live using the App ID
DEPRECATED Get an app by client id
Replaced by: Get a Snyk App by its App ID
DEPRECATED Delete an app
Replaced by: Delete a Snyk App by its App ID
DEPRECATED Manage client secrets for an app
Replaced by: Manage client secret for non-interactive Snyk App installations
Replaces: DEPRECATED Get a list of app bots authorized to an organization
More information: Slack app (Jira integration) (Find the Slack App Bot ID)
See also: Revoke app authorization for a Snyk Group with install ID
Replaces: DEPRECATED Create a new app for an organization
More information: Create a Snyk App using the Snyk API
Replaced by: Get a list of apps created by an organization
Replaces: DEPRECATED Update App attributes that are name, redirect URIs, and access token time to live
More information: Manage App details
Replaces: DEPRECATED Get an app by client id
Replaces: DEPRECATED Delete an app
More information: Manage App details
More information: Manage App details
Replaced by: Get a list of apps installed for an organization
More information: Slack app (for Jira integration)
DEPRECATED Revoke app bot authorization
Replaced by: Revoke app authorization for a Snyk Group with install ID
See also: Revoke access for an app by install
Replaces: DEPRECATED Manage client secrets for an app
Audit Logs
More information: Retrieve audit logs of user-initiated activity by API for an Org or Group
More information: Retrieve audit logs of user-initiated activity by API for an Org or Group, AWS CloudTrail Lake
More information: Filter through your audit logs more efficiently with the new GA REST version of the audit logs API (product update); Retrieve audit logs of user-initiated activity by API for an Org or Group
Audit logs (v1)
Group level audit logs
Organization level audit logs
Use Search Organization audit logs