Error Catalog
Snyk Error Codes
The error codes in the table below describe the codes that you may encounter while working with the Snyk API or CLI. When errors are encountered using the API, they will also have an appropriate HTTP status code. If you encounter errors without an error code, use the HTTP status code to determine the appropriate action.
Fix scenario not supported
Snyk failed to open a fix PR as the scenario is not supported.
HTTP Status: 422
SCM rate limit
SCM rate limit exceeded due to too many requests.
HTTP Status: 429
Unauthorised access
Request failed due to unathorised access. Please read documentation around adding users and permitted roles.
HTTP Status: 403
Help Links:
Unsupported ecosystem
The language or package manager is not supported. Please refer to the supported package managers in the documentation.
HTTP Status: 400
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Metadata not found
Package metadata not or found or missing.
HTTP Status: 404
Help Links:
No mature versions found for package
Unable to provide a recommended version as no mature versions were found.
HTTP Status: 404
No recommended version found
Unable to provide a recommended version for package using this policy.
HTTP Status: 404
Package is already at latest version
No newer version found for this package, as it is already to latest version.
HTTP Status: 404
Version downgrade is not supported
Unable to suggest a downgrade for a package version.
HTTP Status: 400
Invalid version
Not a valid version for semver format.
HTTP Status: 400
Help Links:
Failed to get pull request attributes
Snyk could not get the custom pull request template attributes, using the given variables and the fetched pr template.
HTTP Status: 500
Help Links:
Not found
We could not find your pull request template, have you created one yet? Please check the attached link for instructions on how to setup your pull request template.
HTTP Status: 404
Help Links:
Failed to compile pull request template
Could not compile your customize pull request template. Please check for syntax errors using the Snyk variables inside the template.
HTTP Status: 400
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Failed to parse pull request attributes
Snyk could not parse the custom pull request template, using the given variables and assigning them to the fetched pr template.
HTTP Status: 500
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Failed to load YAML file after substituting Snyk variables
Could not load YAML file after substituting Snyk variables into the custom PR template.
HTTP Status: 500
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Failed to generate hash for custom PR template
Snyk could not generate hash using the customer PR files and projects vulnIds.
HTTP Status: 500
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Unable to create pull request template
Snyk could not create pull request template.
HTTP Status: 500
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Unable to get pull request template
Snyk could not get pull request template.
HTTP Status: 500
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Unable to delete pull request template
Snyk could not delete pull request template.
HTTP Status: 500
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Invalid payload
The pull request template payload is invalid.
HTTP Status: 500
Failed to load JSON file after substituting Snyk variables
Could not load JSON file after substituting Snyk variables into the custom PR template.
HTTP Status: 500
Help Links:
Failed to render default PR template
Could not render default PR template.
HTTP Status: 500
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Service temporarily throttled
The request rate limit has been exceeded. Wait a few minutes, then try again.
HTTP Status: 429
Server error response
The server doesn't recognize the request method, or it cannot fulfill it. Review the request and try again.
HTTP Status: 501
Help Links:
Client request cannot be processed
The server cannot process the request due to a client error, such as malformed request syntax, size too large, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing. Review the request and try again.
HTTP Status: 400
Server communication error
The server timed out during the request. Check Snyk status, then try again.
HTTP Status: 504
Help Links:
Authentication error
Authentication credentials not recognized, or user access is not provisioned. Revise credentials and try again, or request access from your Snyk administrator.
HTTP Status: 401
Test limit reached
You have reached the maximum number of tests in your Snyk plan. This causes Snyk tests on PRs and CLI to fail. Deactivate Snyk Test on your Project or upgrade your Snyk plan.
HTTP Status: 429
Help Links:
Organization is not part of a group
This error occures when trying to add tags to Organizations that that are part of a Group.
Verify with your Group Admin if the Organization should be in a Group.
If you have more than one Organization, you can set the Organization with which new Projects should be associated by running snyk config set org=ORG_ID
If you want to override this global configuration for individual runs of snyk monitor, run snyk test --org=ORG_ID
or snyk monitor --org=ORG_ID
HTTP Status: 422
Help Links:
Request not fulfilled due to server error
The server cannot process the request due to an unexpected error. Check Snyk status, then try again.
HTTP Status: 500
Help Links:
Custom Base Images
Versioning schema does not support tag
The versioning schema used does not support the given tag. Update the versioning schema to include the tag.
Once the tag of the custom base image is correct, the versioning schema must be modified. You can use a different versioning schema that supports all tags in the repository or you can update the relevant properties of the versioning schema.
For example, if the repository currently uses Semver, and a new tag "" needs to be added, then you can use a Custom versioning schema.
HTTP Status: 400
Help Links:
Missing required parameter
Provide an ORG ID or GROUP ID.
HTTP Status: 400
Project does not exist
The project could not be found. Check that the project exists, that you have access to the project, and also check that the ID you have provided is the project ID and not a CBI ID.
HTTP Status: 404
Project is not a container image
The project is not a container image.
HTTP Status: 400
Help Links:
Unable to retrieve group
The project's org does not belong to a group. In order to use a Custom Base Image, recreate the project and add it to a group or add a group to the org. Note that the group feature is not available to free users.
HTTP Status: 400
The values in the request do not match
The request body ID and the request path ID do not match. Ensure that the values are the same and try again.
HTTP Status: 400
The request body cannot be updated
The request body does not contain any attributes that can be updated. Provide the necessary attributes and try again.
HTTP Status: 400
Invalid pagination cursor
The provided pagination cursor is invalid.
HTTP Status: 400
Unable to sort by version
Snyk was unable to filter by version. Provide a repository filter and try again.
HTTP Status: 400
Unable to update versioning schema
The versioning schema could not be applied to all images in the repository. Therefore, no resources have been updated. Update the provided versioning schema so that all tags in the repository fit the new schema.
HTTP Status: 400
Project is already linked to a custom base image
The project ID provided is already linked to another Custom Base Image.
HTTP Status: 400
No versioning schema for repository
No versioning schema exists for the repository. This image is the first in its repository. Provide a versioning schema that fits the format of current and future images in this repository.
HTTP Status: 400
Unable to apply versioning schema
A versioning schema already exists for repository. Remove the "versioning_schema" property or, if you want to update the versioning schema, use the PATCH endpoint.
HTTP Status: 400
Unable to find custom base image
Unable to find the requested custom base image. Try again, and if the error persists, contact Snyk support.
HTTP Status: 404
Custom base image does not exist
The requested custom base image does not exist.
HTTP Status: 404
Help Links:
Unable to update custom base image
An internal error occurred while trying to update a custom base image. Try again, and if the error persists, contact Snyk support.
HTTP Status: 500
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