Install the Snyk Controller

Prerequisites for installing the Snyk Controller

Before you install the Snyk Controller:

  • You must have an administrator account for your Snyk Organization.

  • You must have a minimum of 50 GB of storage available in the cluster as an emptyDir.

  • You must have a minimum of the RAM requirements indicated in the code that follows to run on the cluster.

requests: cpu: "250m" memory: "400Mi"
limits: cpu: "1" memory: "2Gi"
  • Your Kubernetes cluster must have a Kubernetes linux/amd64 worker node.

  • Your Kubernetes cluster must be able to communicate with Snyk outbound over HTTPS.

  • Enable the Kubernetes Integration to get your Integration ID.

  • Create a Group or Organization service account token. For more information, see Service accounts. Different roles allow the integration to publish data:

    • Group Admin

    • Org Admin

    • Org custom role with the permission Publish Kubernetes Resources.

  • Install Helm locally.

Last updated

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