Create a Snyk App using the Snyk CLI

You can use the Snyk CLI to create Snyk Apps by running snyk apps create. There are two ways to use the command.

The first is the normal mode, for example:

snyk apps create --experimental --org=48ebb069-472f-40f4-b5bf-d2d103bc02d4 --name='My Awesome App' --redirect-uris=, --scopes=apps:beta

The second is the interactive mode, which prompts you to enter all the values in a similar way as with the normal mode. The following is an example of the interactive mode:

snyk apps create --experimental --interactive

snyk apps create --experimental --interactive

? Name of the Snyk App (visible to users when they install the Snyk App)? My Awesome Snyk App
? Your Snyk App's redirect URIs (comma-separated list.  Ex:,
? Your Snyk App's permission scopes (comma-separated list.  Ex:  apps:beta
? Please provide the org id under which you want to create your Snyk App:  48ebb069-472f-40f4-b5bf-d2d103bc02d4

Options for snyk apps create


Use the snyk apps create command in interactive mode.


Specify the <ORG_ID> under which to create the Snyk App. Required for the create command.


The name to be displayed to the end-user when the user authorizes the App. Required for the create command.


A comma-separated list of redirect URIs. This forms a list of allowed redirect URIs to call back after authentication. Required for the create command.


A comma-separated list of scopes required by your Snyk App. This forms a list of scopes that your app is allowed to request during authorization. Required for the create command.


The context your Snyk App will use when installed.

Can be either tenant or user. The default is tenant if context is not specified.

A Snyk App that has the tenant context will act as a bot user so it is not tied to any individual user and thus will persist even if the installing user leaves the Snyk Organization. In contrast, a Snyk App that has the user context will perform actions as the installing user. Specify the user context only if your Snyk App is performing operations that are specific to individual users. If there is any doubt, use tenant.

Sub-commands of snyk apps

All snyk apps subcommands are used with the command, for example, snyk apps create.

To learn about all the available subcommands under snyk apps command, use the --help option, snyk apps --help.

Last updated

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