Legacy Reports Issues tab
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The Issues tab displays all known vulnerability and license discrepancies across your Organization, indicating details about each issue, which of your Projects are affected, and how you can fix each issue.
Data in each tab appears based on the filters you've applied from the top of the Reports area, as well as the Group or Organization that you're viewing from.
By default, issues are ranked by their Snyk Priority Score; you can also filter based on columns. For example, you may want to look at the highest scores with the most maturity (which are likely to have more exploits). You can also track the list of issues that got fixed.
Click Export to export or print these results.
Use the default grouped view to get an overview of the general health of your organization on the whole by inspecting the number of projects affected per issue and the number and kinds of issues affecting your projects.
Alternatively, click View issues ungrouped to ungroup data, viewing a separate line for each project in which the issue occurs; meaning the same issue can appear multiple times if it affects multiple projects. This ungrouped view provide more details about each affected project, and the recommended fix.
Click the View issues ungrouped or View issues grouped link to toggle between views.
These fields appear for both views (grouped and ungrouped):
These fields appear only when viewing issues ungrouped:
These controls appear above the table:
Search issues: search based on CVE, CWE or identifier name (i.e. DDoS). When searching by CVE or CWE, you must provide an exact value (for example CVE-1234), but when searching for identifier name, typing in a piece of the word will return results.
Issue filters: mark the issues to be displayed by selecting a range of priority scores, specific issue types, exploit maturity, status, fixable values and reachability, as described in the Issues tab elements section.
Export—click the button to choose which format you’d like to export issue data in:
Print/generate a preview from the Print dialog box in your local environment. This can take a few seconds to generate.
Only 2,000 issues can be generated at once.
The number of issues that you’re currently viewing, based on the filters and searches you used, appear on the Issues tab label.