Create automatic PRs for new fixes (Fix PRs)

  • The Automatic Fix PRs feature is supported for the following SCM integrations: Github, Github Enterprise, BitBucket Server, BitBucket Cloud, BitBucket Connect, GitLab, and Azure Repos.

  • The Automatic Fix PR settings may vary depending on the integration.

The following rules are applied to the creation of automatic PRs for vulnerabilities:

  • Pull requests are created based on the Test & Automated Pull Request Frequency notification setting.

  • If you select Retest now for the Project, a scan runs manually. The 24-hour window is marked as having had the scan run. and no automatic PR is created until the next automated scan runs.

  • One pull request is created per Project.

  • If either the vulnerability is new and has a fix available or the fix is new and is not ignored, a Fix PR can be created.

  • For known vulnerabilities, see Configure Automatic Backlog PRs.

To determine when your last 24-hour window began, check the Project issue card for Snapshot taken by recurring test and check your email for [snyk] Vulnerability alert for specific scan results:

Pull requests for new vulnerabilities are enabled by default for new integrations.

See the Git repository SCM integrations pages for details about supported integrations.

Enable or disable pull requests for an integration

Follow these steps to enable pull requests at the global integration level:

  1. Select an SCM integration, for example, GitHub.

  2. Enable New vulnerabilities and Save.

Apply changes to all overridden Projects will update all of the individual Project settings for Automatic fix PRs. If a Project previously had its own settings for automatic fix full requests, clicking the button will override the Project setting with the global setting.

Configure Automatic fix PRs
Configure Automatic Fix PRs

Enable or disable pull requests for a single Project

Enabling or disabling at a Project level will override the pull request setting for this single Project, so it will not inherit from the global integration setting.

  1. Under Projects, select a Project and select Settings.

  2. Select an SCM integration, for example, GitHub.

  3. In the Automatic fix pull requests section:

    • Select Customize for only this project

    • Enable New vulnerabilities

    • Select Save changes

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