Understand your issues

Snyk AppRisk Insights works by understanding your vulnerabilities within the context of your application. You can see all the gathered context in the list view of your issues. In the table view, you can see the following details:

  • Issue name, which redirects to the Projects page within that issue's Organization.

  • Identified risk factors together with the evidence graph.

The Risk Factor and evidence graph information is available only to Snyk AppRisk Pro users.

  • Exploit maturity

  • Asset and source code where the issue is present, together with an access link.

  • The Target and Project where the issue is together with an access link.

  • The Organization where the issue is present.

  • How the scan was performed in order to identify the issue.

  • Which Snyk product was used to perform the scan.

Snyk AppRisk Pro - Issues page, Table view of issues
Snyk AppRisk Pro - Issues page, Table view of issues

You can also sort the table of issues by these details.

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