Mirroring GitHub.com and GitHub Enterprise organizations and repos in Snyk

You can use four commands in the available utilities to import the entirety of GitHub and GitHub Enterprise repositories into Snyk. You must configure both the GitHub token and the Snyk token as environment variables to proceed.

General steps to import GitHub and GitHub Enterprise repositories

Refer to individual documentation pages for detailed information. The general steps are as follows:

  1. export GITHUB_TOKEN=*** and export SNYK_TOKEN=***

  2. Generate organization data, for example, snyk-api-import orgs:data --source=github --groupId=<snyk_group_id> Full instructions: Creating organizations in Snyk

  3. Create organizations in Snyk: snyk-api-import orgs:create --file=orgs.json By following the full instructions on Creating organizations in Snyk you will create a snyk-created-orgs.json file with Snyk organization ids and integration ids that are needed for import.

  4. Generate import data: snyk-api-import import:data --orgsData=snyk-created-orgs.json --source=github --integrationType=github Full instructions: Creating imports targets data for import

  5. Run import: DEBUG=*snyk* snyk-api-import importFull instructions: Kicking off an import

Re-importing new repositories and Organizations only while mirroring

After the initial import is complete, you can periodically check for new repositories and make sure they are added to Snyk by following these steps, which are similar to the preceding steps to import repositories.

  1. export GITHUB_TOKEN=*** and export SNYK_TOKEN=***

  2. Generate organization data in Snyk and skip any that do not have any repos by using --skipEmptyOrg snyk-api-import orgs:data --source=github --groupId=<snyk_group_id> --s