Snyk Declining Balance of Hours Service Description

Overview of Declining Balance of Hours

Snyk’s Declining Balance of Hours offers flexible, expert-led consulting to help you maximize the value of your Snyk investment. This model provides you with a pool of hours to allocate to a variety of services, tailored to your specific needs. Snyk's experienced experts can assist you with:

  • Snyk Integration and Custom Development: Seamlessly integrate Snyk into your development pipelines and tailor it to your unique requirements, including custom integrations, workflows, and Residency Services.

  • Snyk Best Practices Consulting: Optimize your Snyk deployment and usage to achieve maximum effectiveness, including configuration recommendations, policy enforcement, and reporting optimization.

  • Application Security Consulting*: Gain valuable insights into your security posture and develop effective remediation strategies, including False Positive/False Negative backlog support, secure code review, and root cause analysis. Consulting can be one-toone with individual developers or with development teams.

  • Customized Training*: Empower your team with targeted training on Snyk’s features, best practices, and secure code techniques, tailored to your Organization’s specific needs and skill levels.

*Application Security Consulting and Customized Training are available on a limited basis.

Declining Balance tiers

Two tiers are available to align with the Customer's specific needs:

  • Tier 1: 200 hours

  • Tier 2: 500 hours

A customized number of hours is also available for specific situations. Contact your Snyk Account Executive for more details.

How Declining Balance of Hours works

  1. Use vase validation: Discuss your specific needs with your Snyk Account Executive. Depending on your requirements, a scoping call with a Snyk Professional Services Consultant may be required.

  2. Schedule and use hours: Snyk Consulting Services will work with you to schedule and allocate hours to specific services as needed to address your challenges, such as integrating Snyk, conducting consulting engagements, or training your development teams. Expected lead-time is two to four weeks on average for most services.

  3. Track usage: Snyk Consulting Services will monitor your remaining balance throughout the contract period.


Product description

Snyk Declining Balance of Hours

Tiered or customized hours

Snyk AE to provide rate

The fees will be as set forth on the Order Form, and are fixed-price, invoiced in full at the time of purchase, and non-refundable. Hours cannot be rolled over between contract periods.

All services using the Declining Balance of Hours will be performed remotely. Any onsite time requires prior written consent of both parties, and will be subject to additional fees and expenses to be paid. Declining balances are non-refundable and will expire unless they are scheduled and delivered within twelve (12) months of purchase.

Key assumptions

The following assumptions are reflected in the services outlined in this Declining Balance of Hours description:

  1. All services using a declining balance will be performed remotely using video conferencing software such as Zoom unless written approval is obtained for onsite work and travel arrangements.

  2. Services using a declining balance will be scheduled and delivered consecutively unless otherwise agreed by the parties or to accommodate holidays. All scheduling is subject to Snyk’s resource availability at the time of scheduling.

  3. Services using a declining balance will be scheduled and delivered during Snyk’s normal business hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time zone, Monday through Friday.

  4. Customer acknowledges that all Snyk Professional Services depend on collaboration with Customer’s resources and, therefore, will provide prompt access to its knowledgeable resources, relevant information, and systems, as mutually agreed upon in order to complete the work.

  5. Additional hours may be purchased on a subsequent Order Form if the Customer wishes to continue to engage with Snyk consultants after the end of the contract period.

Last updated

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