Manage notifications
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Snyk notifies you automatically when new issues are found in the Projects you are monitoring to alert you to new possible new risks in these Projects.
Snyk can send notifications in the following ways:
By email, if you have not disabled email notifications in your account settings.
By Slack, if you have set up Slack integration.
Snyk also sends you a weekly update summarizing the security status across all of your Organizations.
Snyk offers notifications for:
license issues
weekly summary report
usage alerts
report status
Setting a Project to inactive does not stop Snyk from sending notifications. You must disable notifications separately for that Project.
FedRAMP environment notifications Both issue alert emails and weekly report emails are disabled for FedRAMP environments. Their notification settings may be hidden from the page.
An example follows of a Snyk notification for new issues and remediations in Projects in an Organization.
Snyk provides controls to manage your own notifications. Administrators can manage the notification defaults for others in the Group or Organization.
Weekly notification emails are sent only to Organization users, so Group Admins must add themselves as an Organization member for Organizations where they need to receive the emails.
You can also send notifications for an Organization to a designated Slack channel. For details, see Slack integration.
Define the notification settings at the Group level to define the template for how Snyk sends issue alert emails, weekly report emails, usage alert emails, and report status emails for Organizations created in that Group. You also have access to the default settings for existing individual Organizations at the Group level.
Changing the Group default settings does not change the settings for existing Organizations or Projects. Individual users can override the default notification settings.
To navigate to the Group level notification settings:
Navigate to the Group overview for the Group you want to change.
Select Settings.
Select Notifications.
Issue alert emails are notifications Snyk sends the same day as it finds a new vulnerability, license issue, or remediation.
To set the defaults for issue alert emails:
Check the Vulnerabilities box when users of new Organizations in this Group should receive alert emails by default for new issues or remediations for all Projects in a new Organization.
Check the License Violations box when users of new Organizations in this Group should receive alert emails for new license issues or remediations for all Projects in a new Organization.
If either the Vulnerabilities or License Violations boxes are checked, indicate the severity of issues for which Snyk should send alert emails by selecting All severities or Critical and high severity from the drop-down list.
To change the default for individual organizations, change the Vulnerabilities, License Violations, and Severity settings next to the Organization name. These settings apply for any individual user who has not updated personal notifications when you create new Organizations in this Group.
Weekly report emails are notifications Snyk sends to provide a summary of the vulnerability status across all Projects and Organizations to which a user belongs. For an Organization with zero vulnerabilities across its Projects, the notification lists the number of active Projects, the number of known vulnerabilities, and total dependencies.
To set the defaults for weekly report emails:
Check the Enabled by default box when users of new Organizations in this Group should receive a weekly summary email.
To change the defaults for individual Organizations, clear or check the box next to the Organization name. The defaults will apply for new Organizations created in this Group.
Usage alert emails are notifications Snyk sends to warn you when you are approaching usage limits.
To set the defaults for usage alerts:
Check the Enabled by default box when users of new Organizations in this Group should receive usage alert emails.
To change the defaults for individual Organizations, clear or check the box next to the Organization name. The defaults will apply for new Organizations created in this Group.
Define the notification settings for the Organization to determine how Snyk sends emails to all individuals in the Organization who have not changed their personal notification preferences.
Changing the Organization default settings does not change the settings for existing Projects or individual users. Individual users can override the default notification settings.
To navigate to the Organization-level notification settings:
Navigate to the Organization you want to change.
Select Settings.
Select Notifications.