Java and Kotlin for open source

Release status: Improved Gradle SCM scanning - Early Access

You can now obtain more accurate results for your Gradle Projects imported through Git integrations by using Improved Gradle SCM scanning. this Early Access feature. For more information, see Git repositories with Maven and Gradle.

Build tools: Maven, Gradle

Build tool versions:

Package registry:

Import your app through SCM: Available

Test or monitor your app through CLI and IDE: Available

Test your app's SBOM: Available, pkg:maven

Test your app's packages: Available, pkg:maven


  • Fix PRs (Maven)

  • License scanning

  • Reports

The following summarizes Snyk support for Java and Kotlin.


Package managers / FeaturesCLI supportGit supportLicense scanningFix PRs








Fix advice only


Package managers / FeaturesCLI supportGit supportLicense scanningFix PRs






Early Access


Fix advice only

Last updated

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