Prepare Snyk Broker for deployment

Using Snyk Broker on Windows is not supported. Snyk recommends that Windows users deploy Broker using Linux.

Prerequisites for Snyk Broker

When you set up Broker for an environment (region) other than the system default, before you can authenticate, you must set environment variables with specific Broker URLs. Example: -e BROKER_SERVER_URL=

For details, see Regional hosting and data residency.

The following are prerequisites for using Snyk Broker in any environment:

Prepare hosts for installation of Snyk Broker

Snyk recommends configuring at least two separate instances of the Broker Client for each integration, either on different hosts or installed using a Kubernetes system. This ensures that you always have at least two instances running for redundancy.

Configure your network for using Snyk Broker

If you use a proxy server, ensure you configure it and any firewalls to allow the Broker Client inbound and outbound access as follows:

Traffic initiated from the Snyk Broker Server side always uses the latest available Broker connection. All activity from the Snyk side, such as traffic driven by recurring tests, appears on only one of your replicas at a time. The amount of Snyk activity is proportional to the activity in the repositories or Jira items. That activity generates webhooks, which are distributed across all replicas.

Define your Broker deployment components

Consider the following to understand what the required components are for your deployment:

  • What service are you connecting the Broker to?

  • Are you planning to detect Infrastructure as Code files?

  • Are you planning to detect Snyk Code vulnerabilities?

    • Grant Broker access to perform a Git clone of your repository.

    • To do this, add an environment variable: ACCEPT_CODE=true.

  • Are you planning to connect to a Container Registry?

Every integration has a specific Broker token assigned to it. An integration to analyze Snyk Code vulnerabilities and connect to a Container Registry has the following:

  • One Broker for the SCM with the additional environment variable -e ACCEPT_CODE

  • One Broker for the Container Registry and one Broker Container Registry agent

Continue by obtaining the tokens required for your deployment.

Last updated

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