

Snyk for Elixir is supported only for Snyk Open Source.

Check the language availability to be imported as an application, tested, or monitored using the Snyk products.

Available functions:

  • Import your app through SCM: N/A

  • Test or monitor your app through CLI and IDE, available for Snyk Open Source.

  • Test your app's SBOM using pkg:hex

  • Test your app's packages using pkg:hex

For information on using the Snyk CLI for code analysis, see Snyk CLI for Snyk Code.

Package managers and supported file extensions

Snyk for Elixir supports Mix/Hex as a package manager and hex.pm as a package registry and does not support any file formats.

Frameworks and libraries

Snyk for Elixir does not have any available frameworks and libraries.


The Reports feature is supported by Snyk for Elixir.

PR Checks configured to “Only fail when the issues found have a fix available” rely on Snyk FixPR support and will not alert for Elixir or other languages that do not support FixPRs.

Snyk CLI for Elixir

To scan your dependencies, you must first install Elixir and Mix. For details, see the Elixir installation instructions.

Snyk offers security scanning to test your Elixir Projects for vulnerabilities using the CLI.

Mix is a build tool that compiles, tests, and creates Elixir projects. Mix manages dependencies by integrating with the Hex package manager.

Snyk builds a dependency tree for your Project by analyzing your mix.exs and mix.lock files. The mix.lock file must be present and in sync with the mix.exs file. After Snyk builds the tree, Snyk uses the vulnerability database to find vulnerabilities in the packages anywhere in the dependency tree.

Project naming

Projects in the Snyk UI are named according to the app keyword from the project/0 function exported by Mix.Project in the main mix.exs file.

To override the name, use the --project-name CLI option.

Mix umbrella projects

If you test a Mix umbrella project, Snyk detects that it is an umbrella project and includes all the child apps automatically.

Along with the main mix.exs, each app mix.exs appears as a separate Project in the Snyk UI, named according to the path to the app.

Snyk fully supports all :hex packages listed in the Mix project, including all their transitive dependencies and any vulnerabilities.

Hex support includes both Elixir and Erlang packages.

Snyk also has limited support for :path, :git and :github dependencies, but not their transitive dependencies or vulnerabilities.

  • :path dependencies appear in the dependency tree by name

  • :git and :github dependencies appear in the dependency tree by repository URL and version (either :branch, :tag or :ref, as defined in the mix.exs file)


For integrated development environments, see Snyk IDEs.

If you use continuous integration/continuous delivery workflows, you can scan with Snyk based on the integration with your automation software.

Troubleshooting Snyk for Elixir

When using asdf, be sure to set a version by running the asdf global elixir <version of your choice>.

If you need help, contact Snyk Support.

Last updated

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