Dart and Flutter


Snyk for Dart and Flutter is supported only for Open Source.

Check the language availability to be imported as an application, tested, or monitored using the Snyk products.

Available functions:

  • Import your app through SCM: N/A

  • Test or monitor your app through CLI and IDE: N/A

  • Test your app's SBOM using pkg:pub

  • Test your app's packages using pkg:pub

Package managers and supported file extensions

Snyk for Dart and Flutter supports Pub as a package manager and pub.dev as a package registry and does not support any file formats.

Frameworks and libraries

Snyk for Dart and Flutter does not support frameworks and libraries.


Snyk for Dart and Flutter does not support any Snyk features.

PR Checks configured to “Only fail when the issues found have a fix available” rely on Snyk FixPR support and will not alert for Dart and Flutter or other languages that do not support FixPRs.

Testing pub packages using the API

The Snyk API is available only for Enterprise plans. For more information, see Plans and pricing.

Snyk supports the testing of open-source packages from the Pub package manager using the API endpoint List issues for a package:

GET /orgs/{org_id}/packages/{purl}/issues endpoint

The endpoint returns known vulnerabilities for the package. For more information, see the the pageList issues for a package.

Testing pub packages using the SBOM CLI

You can also test an SBOM using the SBOM CLI. You must first create an SBOM file. For example, you can usecdxgento extract the SBOM to be sent to the Snyk CLI as follows:

cdxgen -t pub -o pub-sbom.json \
  && snyk sbom test --experimental --file pub-sbom.json

Testing platform dependencies (iOS, macOS, Android) in Flutter Apps

Flutter applications often rely on native platform dependencies to handle lower-level tasks, such as analytics, hardware access, or integrating existing functionality. These dependencies can be added through pub packages to extend functionality or integrated directly into build systems like Gradle or Cocoapods.

Snyk’s regular open-source support can scan these packages; however, a complete app build is necessary to make them available in the repository and accessible to CLI tools.

Start by building the application for all relevant platforms. This ensures that pub fetches all required packages, and the Flutter build system establishes the necessary links for the native build systems.

flutter build apk --debug
flutter build ios --debug --no-codesign
flutter build macos --debug

Next, run the snyk monitor command to scan for native dependencies:

snyk monitor --all-projects --exclude=example,.symlinks

The --exclude parameter removes duplicates and ignores example applications, which are part of the plugin source code but not included in regular application builds.

Now you will be able to view all native dependencies, including those introduced by third-party plugins, in the Snyk Web UI.

If you need help, contact Snyk Support.

Last updated

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