Legacy custom mapping

To configure this option, send the roles array within the SAML attributes or OIDC claims to adhere to one of the following patterns:


  • This role mapping assigns users with the Group Admin role.

  • groupadmin configures all users with this role as a Group Admin all Group(s) that the user is assigned to, which grants Organization Admin permissions to all Organizations that fall under the Group(s).


  • This role mapping assigns users with the Group Viewer role and grants read-only access to the Group, reports, and all Organizations associated with the Group.


  • This role mapping assigns users with the Org Collaborator roles for all Organizations underneath the specified Group(s).

  • groupID is the ID string for a group in Snyk. This can be found in the snyk URL at the Group level: https://app.snyk.io/group/<Group ID> or Group dropdown -> Settings -> General -> Group ID.


  • This role mapping assigns users with the specified role of Collaborator or Admin or Custom Role for the Snyk Organization specified in orgslug.

  • orgslug is the unique identifier of the Organization name in Snyk.

    • How to find the orgslug: https://app.snyk.io/org/{orgslug} OR by using the endpoint List all organizations in a group.

    • Note: The orgslug is the name of the Organization in most cases; however, there may be exceptions.

    • Note: orgslug can be a value of up to 60 characters.

  • role:

    • If you are using standard roles, {role} should be either collaborator or admin.

    • Custom Role can also be used for {role} and should use the normalized name. See Roles in custom SSO for more details.

Users must only have one role mapped per Organization. Mapping multiple roles for an Organization is not supported and can lead to unexpected behavior.

Tenant-level role assertions

With the introduction of Tenants, Snyk has added new possible role assertions at a Tenant level, enabling customers to assign Tenant-level roles.

The following role mappings assign users a tenant role.

Only one Tenant-Level assertion may be provided for each user. If no Tenant-level assertion is provided, the user will be granted the Tenant Member role if they do not already have a Tenant-level membership.


  • This role mapping grants the user the Tenant Admin role.


  • This role mapping grants the user the Tenant Viewer role.


  • This role mapping grants the user the Tenant Viewer role.

Roles array mapping format

To assign users with Group Admin role, use the following format:

    "roles": [

To assign users with Group Viewer roles, use the following format:

    "roles": [

To assign users with Org Collaborator roles, use the following format:

    "roles": [

To assign users as Org Admin or Org Collaborator, use the following format for the roles array. Note: You can assign different roles on a per-org basis. The following example assigns a user as Org Admin in the orgslug Org but a Collaborator in the orgslug2 Org.

    "roles": [

To assign users a custom role, use the following format for the roles array. You can assign different roles on a per-Org basis and can use a combination of standard and custom roles for different Orgs.

    "roles": [

The system also supports comma-separated lists of roles instead of an array.

  "roles": "snyk-{orgslug}-admin,snyk-{orgslug2}-collaborator"

Example roles array mapping

The following example shows how to assign roles to Snyk users under the mapping convention.

  • The customer is named ABC and has one Group called ABC.

  • The customer has three Organizations within Snyk: Application-SecurityScanner1, Partner-Plugins, and Application-Payments.

  • The customer has four teams: Business Development, Engineering, Security, and Product. Each has different needs:

    • The Business Development team needs access to the ABC group and only the Partner-Plugins Organization as Org Admin.

    • Engineering needs access to the ABC Group, the Application-SecurityScanner1 Organization as Org Admin, Partner-Plugins Organization as Org Admin, and Application-Payments as Org Collaborator.

    • Security needs access to the ABC group as Group Admin and all three organizations as Org Admin.

    • The Product team needs access to the ABC group and all three organizations as Org Collaborator,

For the Business Development Team, Snyk uses the snyk-{orgslug}-{role} mapping:

    "roles": [

For the Engineering Team, Snyk uses the snyk-{orgslug}-{role} mapping:

    "roles": [

For the Security Team, Snyk uses the snyk-groupadmin mapping:

    "roles": [

For the Product Team, Snyk uses the snyk-{groupID} mapping, where the value of groupID must be inserted;

    "roles": [

Summary diagram of roles under custom mapping

Last updated

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