Groups and Organizations
Feature availability Snyk Groups are only available on certain pricing plans.
Groups, Organizations, and Projects
Snyk has a hierarchy that allows you to control access to Snyk scanning and features. Key parts of the hierarchy are illustrated in this diagram:
Groups: Often, a Group encompasses your entire base of Snyk users, although large companies may have multiple Groups. Groups can contain multiple Organizations.
Organizations: An Organization represents a specific business area, such as a team. Organizations can contain multiple Projects.
Projects: A Project is established based on the item that Snyk scans for issues, such as a manifest file. Each Project shows the results of scans. You can configure your Projects to define how to scan for issues in that Project.
Snyk also has features to manage users in Organizations and to manage users in a Group. You can use the Snyk API v1 to provision users to Orgs and remove members from Groups and Orgs.
You can use Organization access requests to add users and configure session length for a Snyk Group.
When you want to find out when a new user was added or analyze unexpected activity, you can retrieve audit logs of user-initiated activity by Organization or Group through the Snyk REST API.
The documentation in this section covers Groups and Organizations.
Last updated