SCM, IDE, and CI/CD integrations
This section of the documentation provides information about Snyk SCM, IDE, and CI/CD integrations.
Snyk supports SCM, IDE, and CI/CD integration methods that allow you to implement security at each point in your workflow: importing a Project, writing your code, and building and deployment.
Feature availability
The API and Snyk AppRisk are available only with Enterprise plans. For more information, see plans and pricing.
There are two ways of implementing SCM integrations in a Snyk environment:
Group level - At the Group level, you can set up the SCM integrations for Snyk Essentials.
Organization level - At the Organization level, you can set up the SCM integrations for all other Snyk products and all Snyk plans. See the Manage your Integrations at the Organizational level page for more details.
If you want to use the same SCM integration at both Group and Organization levels, then you must set up that integration for both levels.
Choose an Integration
If you are an Enterprise customer, see Choose rollout integrations in the Enterprise implementation guide for tips and considerations on import strategies, as well as context for which integrations suit your SDLC.
GitHub vs GitHub Enterprise
As an Enterprise plan user, Snyk recommends using the GitHub Enterprise integration as it enables you to use a single GitHub service account personal access token (PAT) across your Snyk Organization rather than depending on a PAT for an individual user account. You can use this integration whether or not you have a GitHub Enterprise (GHE) license or subscription.
Another benefit to using the GitHub Enterprise integration is that you can choose to clone integration settings when you are creating new Snyk Organizations. This means you can use one GitHub Enterprise integration for all Organizations in your Snyk Group.
As a Free or Team plan user, Snyk recommends using the GitHub integration as it only requires a PAT for an individual user account, w