Parameters for troubleshooting and providing your own certificate with Helm

To troubleshoot SSL inspection issues, you can set the tlsRejectUnauthorized parameter to disable.

--set tlsRejectUnauthorized=disable

To trust your own Certificate Authority, you can pass a certificate file name to the caCert parameter. The file must reside within the Helm chart directory.

--set caCert=<CERT_NAME>

Alternatively, provide the content of the certificate to the caCertFile parameter.

--set caCertFile="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

To troubleshoot CA trust issues, you can set the disableCaCertTrust parameter to true.

--set disableCaCertTrust=true

If you want your Broker to run as an HTTPS server, you can pass the files to the httpsCert and httpsKey parameters. The files must reside within the Helm chart directory.

--set httpsCert=<CERT_NAME> --set httpsKey=<CERT_KEY>

For more information about using your own certificate, see Backend requests with an internal certificate for Docker and HTTPS for Broker Client with Docker.