Scopes to request

Scopes define the permissions your Snyk App has to perform actions in a user’s account. When a user authorizes your Snyk App to access their Snyk account, they see the list of scopes the App is requesting and then decide whether or not they approve the connection.

When deciding which scopes your Snyk App will request, consider the actions your App will be performing. It may seem better to request every available scope, but users may refuse to install an App that asks for more permissions than needed. Also, a user installing your App will not be able to complete the authorization process if they do not have all the permissions matching the scopes the App is requesting.

The following lists the available scopes. is a mandatory scope and should always be included.

You cannot update scopes for a Snyk App after it has been created. If you change your mind about which scopes you need during the App development process, create a new Snyk App with a new list of scopes, and replace the clientId and clientSecret in the configuration of your App. If users have already installed the Snyk App, the users must authorize the new App with their Snyk account.

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