Create an Azure Function App

Follow the regular process to create and configure an Azure Function App. For more information see the Microsoft Azure Functions documentation.

An example of Azure Function code follows.

#r "Newtonsoft.Json"

using System.Net;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
    log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
    string responseMessage = "No valid payload received!";

        string name = req.Query["name"];

        string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
        dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
        //log.LogInformation("data: " + requestBody);

        if (data.project != null)
            string count = data.newIssues.Count.ToString();
            string projectName =;
            string[] projectNameParts = projectName.Split(':');
            string containerImage = projectName;
            if (projectNameParts.Length > 1)
                containerImage = projectNameParts[1] + ":" + data.project.imageTag;
            string repoURL =;
            string artifactURL =;
            string entityLookupValue = repoURL;
            string entityType = "Repository";
            int idxRepoURLBranch = repoURL.IndexOf("(");
            if (data.project.origin == "github")
                int idxRepoURLProject = repoURL.IndexOf(":");
                string package = "";
                if (idxRepoURLBranch >= 0)
                    package = repoURL.Substring(idxRepoURLProject + 1, repoURL.Length - idxRepoURLProject - 1);
                    log.LogInformation("package: " + package);
                    entityLookupValue = "" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLBranch);
                    repoURL = "" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLBranch);

                    if (data.project.branch != "")
                        repoURL = repoURL + "/blob/" + data.project.branch + "/" + package;
                    entityLookupValue = "" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLProject);
                    repoURL = "" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLProject);
            else if (data.project.origin == "docker-hub")
                entityType = "ContainerImage";
                entityLookupValue = data.project.imageId;
                if (idxRepoURLBranch >= 0)
                    artifactURL = "" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLBranch);
                    repoURL = "" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLBranch);

                    if (data.project.branch != "")
                        repoURL = repoURL + "/tree/" + data.project.branch;
                    int idxRepoURLProject = repoURL.IndexOf(":");
                    artifactURL = "" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLProject);
                    repoURL = "" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLProject);
            else if (data.project.origin == "azure-repos")
                var AZURE_DEVOPS_ORG = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_DEVOPS_ORG");
                int idxRepoURLProject = repoURL.IndexOf("/");
                string package = "";
                if (idxRepoURLBranch >= 0)
                    package = repoURL.Substring(idxRepoURLProject + 1, repoURL.Length - idxRepoURLProject - 1);
                    log.LogInformation("package: " + package);
                    entityLookupValue = "" + AZURE_DEVOPS_ORG + "/" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLProject);
                    repoURL = "" + AZURE_DEVOPS_ORG + "/" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLBranch);

                    if (data.project.branch != "")
                        repoURL = repoURL + "/blob/" + data.project.branch + "/" + package;
                    entityLookupValue = "" + AZURE_DEVOPS_ORG + "/" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLProject);
                    repoURL = "" + AZURE_DEVOPS_ORG + "/" + repoURL.Substring(0, idxRepoURLProject);

            log.LogInformation(projectName + ", data.newIssues.Count: " + count);
            responseMessage = "No new issues found. Nothing to process!";

            name = name ?? data?.name;
            string browseUrl = data.project.browseUrl;
            int x = 0;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (data.newIssues.Count > 0)
                log.LogInformation("New issues found!");

                for (int i = 0; i < data.newIssues.Count; i++)
                    string id = data.newIssues[i].id.ToString();
                    string issueType = data.newIssues[i].issueType;
                    string pkgName = data.newIssues[i].pkgName;
                    int priorityScore = data.newIssues[i].priorityScore;
                    string title = data.newIssues[i].issueData.title;
                    string issueId = data.newIssues[i];
                    string issueVendorId = issueId;
                    if (data.newIssues[i].issueData.identifiers.CVE.Count > 0)
                        issueId = data.newIssues[i].issueData.identifiers.CVE[0];
                    else if (data.newIssues[i].issueData.identifiers.CWE.Count > 0)
                        issueId = data.newIssues[i].issueData.identifiers.CWE[0];
                    double cvssScore = data.newIssues[i].issueData.cvssScore;
                    string severity = data.newIssues[i].issueData.severity.ToString().ToUpper();
                    string issueSeverity = data.newIssues[i].issueData.severity;
                    string descr = data.newIssues[i].issueData.description.ToString();
                    if (data.newIssues[i].issueData.description.ToString().Length >= 256)
                        descr = data.newIssues[i].issueData.description.ToString().Substring(0, 256);
                    descr = descr.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "");
                    bool remediationExists = data.newIssues[i].fixInfo.isFixable;
                    string remediationRecommendation = "";
                    if (remediationExists)
                        remediationRecommendation = "upgrade " + pkgName + " to " + data.newIssues[i].fixInfo.fixedIn[0];

                    if (i > 0)

                    sb.Append("  \"artifactURL\": \"" + artifactURL + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"containerImage\": \"" + containerImage + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"cvss.score\": \"" + cvssScore + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"cvssScore\": \"" + cvssScore + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"disclosureUrl\": \"" + browseUrl + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"entityLookupValue\": \"" + entityLookupValue + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"entityType\": \"" + entityType + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"imageBaseImage\": \"" + data.project.imageBaseImage + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"imageId\": \"" + data.project.imageId + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"imagePlatform\": \"" + data.project.imagePlatform + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"imageTag\": \"" + data.project.imageTag + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueCountsBySeverityCritical\": " + data.project.issueCountsBySeverity.critical + ",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueCountsBySeverityHigh\": " + data.project.issueCountsBySeverity.high + ",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueCountsBySeverityMedium\": " + data.project.issueCountsBySeverity.medium + ",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueCountsBySeverityLow\": " + data.project.issueCountsBySeverity.low + ",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueId\": \"" + issueId + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueInstanceKey\": \"" + repoURL + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueSeverity\": \"" + issueSeverity + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueType\": \"Library Vulnerability\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"issueVendorId\": \"" + issueVendorId + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"message\": \"" + descr + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"pkgName\": \"" + pkgName + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"projectName\": \"" + projectName + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"priorityScore\": " + priorityScore + ",");
                    sb.Append("  \"remediation.exists\": \"" + remediationExists + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"remediationExists\": \"" + remediationExists + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"remediationRecommendation\": \"" + remediationRecommendation + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"severity\": \"" + severity + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"snykIssueType\": \"" + issueType + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"snykOrigin\": \"" + data.project.origin + "\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"source\": \"Snyk\",");
                    sb.Append("  \"title\": \"" + title + "\"");


            string payload = sb.ToString();
            payload = payload.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, ". ");

            if (payload != "{\"findings\":[]}")
                log.LogInformation("payload: " + payload);
                var content = new StringContent(payload, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var NEW_RELIC_SECURITY_URL = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NEW_RELIC_SECURITY_URL");
                var NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY");

                var url = NEW_RELIC_SECURITY_URL;
                var headerKey = NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY;

                using var client = new HttpClient();
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", "application/json");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Api-Key", headerKey);
                var response = await client.PostAsync(url, content);

                string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                log.LogInformation("response.StatusCode: " + response.StatusCode);
                if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                log.LogInformation("result: " + result);

                // write output as summary
                string output = "Successfully processed " + x + " issues.";
                responseMessage = output;
            log.LogInformation("No project found!");
    catch (Exception ex)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.Append("  \"eventType\": \"SnykFindingsErrors\",");
        sb.Append("  \"message\": \"" + ex.Message + "\"");

        var content = new StringContent(sb.ToString());

        content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");

        var NEW_RELIC_INSIGHTS_URL = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NEW_RELIC_INSIGHTS_URL");
        var NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY");

        var url = NEW_RELIC_INSIGHTS_URL;
        using var client = new HttpClient();
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Api-Key", NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY);
        var response = await client.PostAsync(url, content);

        string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
        log.LogInformation("response.StatusCode: " + response.StatusCode);

        responseMessage = "Error during execution";

    return new OkObjectResult(responseMessage);

Next Configure Azure Function environment variables.

Last updated