Try a simple call to the Snyk REST API

Follow these steps to make a simple call to the Snyk REST API.

  1. Verify that your permissions are set correctly for you to use Snyk API.

  2. Log in to Snyk.

  3. Navigate to the Org Settings (gear icon) for an organization where you have projects you can list.

  4. Find the Organization ID so you can copy the value when you make the API call.

  5. Navigate to the Snyk REST API and authenticate. For instructions, see See Authentication for API.

  6. Observe that the Snyk REST API opens to the most recent beta version.

  7. Look for the Projects endpoint and navigate to the GET /orgs/{org_id}/projects (Get project by org ID) call.

  8. Copy your Organization ID from your Org settings and paste the ID into the PATH PARAMETERS org_id field (asterisk designates a required request parameter).

  9. Copy the version string from the URL, for example, 2022-06-08~beta and paste the version string into the QUERY-STRING PARAMETERS version field (also required).

  10. Click TRY.

  11. Scroll to the RESPONSE, which is a 200 response (provided that your permissions and your Organization ID are correct), showing a list of projects, along with RESPONSE HEADERS and CURL to copy . If you get a different status code, do what is needed to resolve the error.

  12. Observe the optional QUERY-STRING PARAMETERS to see the range of data you can retrieve from the Snyk REST API.

If you have any problems or questions, contact Snyk support.

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