Swift and Objective-C

Supported frameworks and package managers

Objective-C is supported only by Snyk Open Source.

Code analysis for Swift

Snyk Code for Swift supports the following frameworks:

  • Alamofire

  • Pathos

  • sqlite3

  • CryptoKit

Open source and licensing

Snyk Open Source supports the following frameworks:

Getting started with Snyk for Swift and Objective-C language across environments

Snyk CLI

Prerequisites for CLI for Swift and CocoaPods

Code analysis

To start testing your code using Snyk Code open your repository in a terminal and run the following command:

snyk code test

To customize test options, run other commands, exclude directories and files, and explore the results in different formats, see the following:

Open source and licensing

The way Snyk analyzes and builds the dependency tree varies depending on the language and package manager of the Project.

After Snyk has built the tree, Snyk uses the vulnerability database to find vulnerabilities in any packages in the dependency tree.

Snyk Web UI (Git repository integration)

Snyk integrations


If you need help, contact Snyk Support.

Last updated

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