Python for open source

Python for open source support

Package manager: Pip, Poetry, pipenv,

Package manager versions: Suitable with Python 2 -> 2.7.16, and Python 3 -> 3.7.4.

Package registry:

Import your app through SCM: Available for Pip, pipenv, and Poetry

Test or monitor your app through CLI and IDE: Available

Test your app's SBOM: Available, pkg:pypi

Test your app's packages: Available, pkg:pypi


  • Fix PRs

  • License scanning

  • Reports

Open source and licensing

Some features may not be available, depending on your plan. For more information, see Plans and pricing.

The following summarizes the package managers supported by Snyk for Python for open source.

Package managers FeaturesCLI supportGit supportLicense scanningFix PRs












To scan your Projects, you must first install the relevant package manager and ensure that your Project contains the supported manifest files.

Last updated

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