Snyk supports JavaScript for code analysis and JavaScript for open source. For information about importing Projects using SCM integrations, see Git repositories and JavaScript.
Guidance for JavaScript and Node.js is available.
Snyk supports JavaScript for code analysis and JavaScript for open source.
For more information about importing Projects using SCM integrations, see Git repositories and JavaScript.
Guidance for JavaScript and Node.js is available.
Check the language availability to be imported as an application, tested, or monitored using the Snyk products.
Available functions:
SCM import
Test or monitor your app through CLI and IDE
Test your app's SBOM: using
Test your app's packages using
For information on using the Snyk CLI for code analysis, see Snyk CLI for Snyk Code.
Package managers
This language supports npm, pnpm, Yarn as package managers with the following versions for them:
Lockfile 1
,Lockfile 2
,Lockfile 3, 7.*
pnpm 7
,pnpm 8
,pnpm 9
Yarn 1
,Yarn 2
,Yarn 3
As a package registry, it supports
Frameworks and libraries
The following frameworks and libraries are supported in Snyk for JavaScript:
@Google Drive/generative-ai - Comprehensive
@anthropic-ai/sdk - Comprehensive
@huggingface/inference - Comprehensive
@mistralai/mistralai - Comprehensive
axios - Comprehensive
Angular - Partial
apollo-server - Partial
bcrypt-nodejs - Comprehensive
cross-spawn - Comprehensive
crypto-js - Comprehensive
date-fns - Comprehensive
dayjs - Comprehensive
dompurify - Comprehensive
electron - Partial
ejs - Partial
execa - Comprehensive
express - Comprehensive
express-graphql - Partial
express-jwt - Partial
fs - Comprehensive
fs-extra - Comprehensive
fs-plus - Comprehensive
graceful-fs - Comprehensive
graphql-js - Partial
jQuery - Comprehensive
js-yaml - Comprehensive
jzip - Comprehensive
koa - Comprehensive
koa-graphql - Comprehensive
libxml - Comprehensive
libxmljs - Comprehensive
lodash - Comprehensive
luxon - Comprehensive
minimongo - Comprehensive
minimist - Comprehensive
mongodb - Comprehensive
Mongoose - Comprehensive
mercurius - Partial
Nestjs - Partial
Node Crypto - Comprehensive
node-buffer - Partial
node-cmd - Comprehensive
Node Crypto - Comprehensive
node-dir - Comprehensive
node-forge - Comprehensive
node-pty - Comprehensive
node-serialize - Comprehensive
octokit - Comprehensive
openai - Comprehensive
pg - Comprehensive
pg-promise - Comprehensive
React - Partial
request-promise - Comprehensive
restler - Partial
rimraf - Comprehensive
sanitize-html - Comprehensive
shelljs - Comprehensive
Stanford JS Crypto - Comprehensive
superagent - Comprehensive
tar-stream - Comprehensive
unirest - Comprehensive
unzip - Comprehensive
underscore - Comprehensive
url - Comprehensive
vm - Comprehensive
webstomp-client - Partial
WebCryptoAPI - Comprehensive
xpath - Comprehensive
yargs - Comprehensive
The following features are supported in Snyk for JavaScript:
Fix PRs
License scanning
Custom rules
Interfile analysis
If you need help, contact Snyk Support.
Last updated