Java and Kotlin for code analysis

Snyk for Java for code analysis

The following summarizes Snyk support for Java for code analysis.


  • Apache Camel

  • Apache Struts

  • Dropwizard

  • Jakarta XML Services

  • Java Servlet

  • JSP

  • Spring Boot (partial support)

  • Spring MVC

  • Spring JDBC

Framework versions: Versions up to Java SE 17

Import your app through SCM: Available

Test or monitor your app through CLI and IDE: Available


  • Report

  • Custom rules

  • Interfile analysis

If you need help, contact Snyk Support.

Snyk for Kotlin for code analysis

Snyk supports Kotlin Mobile Apps. Android is partially supported.

Kotlin Web Applications are not supported.

The following summarizes support for Kotlin for code analysis.

Import your app through SCM: Available

Test or monitor your app through CLI and IDE: Available


  • Reports

  • Interfile analysis is supported for Kotlin

  • Android is partially supported

If you need help, contact Snyk Support.

Last updated

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