Proxy configuration for Snyk CLI

General proxy configuration

When you use the Snyk CLI behind a proxy, you must provide the proxy configuration by using the following environment variables:

HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy

HTTPS_PROXY or https_proxy

NO_PROXY or no_proxy

The https in the HTTPS_PROXY means that requests using https protocol use this proxy. The proxy itself does not need to use https.

For more information, see Configure the Snyk CLI to connect to the Snyk API and How can I use Snyk behind a proxy?

Proxy authentication

By default Snyk CLI tries to detect and apply proxy authentication.

If the proxy server requests proxy authentication (as indicated by a PROXY-AUTHENTICATE response header), and both server and CLI support the same authentication mechanism, the CLI authenticates as the user who is currently logged in to the operating system (SSO).

This is supported for the following authentication mechanism:

  • Negotiate

    • Kerberos (on all OS)

    • NTLM (Windows NT LAN Manager)

Configuration on Windows operating systems

On Windows operating systems (OS), the Kerberos and NTLM authentication mechanisms are provided by the OS itself and available for all domain users.

Snyk CLI does not require any specific configuration.

Configuration on non-Windows operating systems (Linux, macOS)

On non-Windows operating systems, Snyk CLI also supports SSO but, in addition, must be configured with the following environment variables.

KRB5_CONFIG # default "/etc/krb5.conf"
KRB5CCNAME # default "FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_<UserUID>"

The use of these variables follows the MIT Kerberos implementation:

  • KRB5_CONFIG - Kerberos configuration file

  • KRB5CCNAME - Kerberos credential cache

    • Currently, the only supported credential cache type (ccache types) is FILE.

    • It is important to note that the cache file cannot be updated by the CLI. This means that the cache file must be updated externally, for example, by running kinit.,

Disable proxy authentication

To disable authentication, specify the following command line parameter:



If you have connection problems, enable debug output -d for helpful insights.

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