CLI help

Snyk CLI scans and monitors your projects for security vulnerabilities and license issues.

For more information visit the Snyk website

For details see the CLI documentation

How to get started

  1. Authenticate by running snyk auth.

  2. Test your local project with snyk test.

  3. Get alerted for new vulnerabilities with snyk monitor.

Available commands

To learn more about each Snyk CLI command, use the --help option, for example, snyk auth --help.

Note: The help on the docs site is the same as the --help in the CLI.

Authenticate Snyk CLI with a Snyk account.

Test a project for open-source vulnerabilities and license issues.

Note: Use snyk test --unmanaged to scan all files for known open-source dependencies (C/C++ only).

Snapshot and continuously monitor a project for open-source vulnerabilities and license issues.

These commands test and continuously monitor container images for vulnerabilities and generate an SBOM for a container image.

These commands find and report security issues in Infrastructure as Code files; detect, track, and alert on infrastructure drift and unmanaged resources; and create a .driftigore file.

The snyk code test command finds security issues using Static Code Analysis.

Generate or test an SBOM document in ecosystems supported by Snyk.

Find Log4Shell vulnerability.

Manage Snyk CLI configuration.

Display the .snyk policy for a package.

Modify the .snyk policy to ignore stated issues.


Use -d option to output the debug logs.

Configure the Snyk CLI

You can use environment variables to configure the Snyk CLI and also set variables to configure the Snyk CLI to connect with the Snyk API. See Configure the Snyk CLI

Last updated

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