Legal Advisor role template

This Organization-level role can manage security and license policies for the Group and view and export reports, but not manage the Group or Organizations or view individual Projects.

Group-level permissions

This template is for an Organization-level role and has no Group-level permissions.

Organization-level permissions

To create this role, enable the following permissions in the relevant categories:

Organization management


View Organization

Edit Organization

Remove Organization

Audit Log management


View audit logs

Billing management


View billing

Edit billing

Project management


View Project

Add Project

Edit Project

Edit Project status

Test Project

Move Project

Remove Project

View Project history

Edit Project integrations

Edit Project attributes

View Jira issues

Create Jira issues

Edit Project Tags

Project Ignore management


View Project Ignores

Create Project Ignores

Edit Project Ignores

Remove Project Ignores

Reports management


View Organization reports

User management


View users

Invite users

Manage users

Add users

Provision users

User leave

User remove

The remaining categories of permissions listed below should have all permissions within them set to disabled:

  • Collection management

  • Container Image management

  • Entitlement management

  • Integration management

  • Kubernetes Integration management

  • Package management

  • Project pull request management

  • Service account management

  • Snyk Apps management

  • Snyk Cloud management

  • Snyk Preview management

  • Webhook management

Last updated

More information

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