Troubleshooting for Visual Studio Code extension
Snyk plugins are not supported on any operating system that has reached End Of Life (EOL) with the distributor.
The logs for VSCode can be found in the output channels for the Snyk Extension and Snyk Language Server. Both are needed for troubleshooting.
To enable debug log level, start VS Code from the terminal like this:
cd your-repo SNYK_LOG_LEVEL=debug code .
Alternatively, you can add -d
to additional parameters in the Snyk Settings.
You can obtain additional logs by navigating to Help > Toggle Developer Tools, and opening the Console tab for additional output.
Command not found (getActiveUser, LoginCommand, and so on)
This indicates that the required binaries are not available. To start the extension and use it, the following are required:
Snyk Language Server (snyk-ls) available and executable
Snyk CLI available and executable
These are usually downloaded automatically by the extension. If this is not possible, the language server cannot be started, and thus not provide the indicated commands to VS Code.
To fix
Check to see if automatic download is activated and if it works.
Proxy/SSL problems could be a reason why the download does not finish.
Missing write permissions in the configured path could be another reason why automatic download does not work
Before reaching out for help, check:
secure debug logs (
inadditional parameters
) andconfiguration
manual CLI run logs and information on the network:
do they have a proxy?
do they use a mitm proxy that intercepts ssl connections?
if yes, have they made the custom certificate authority available to the OS?
If automatic management of dependencies is not enabled,
download the Language Server and the CLI manually
make them executable, and
provide the path to the binary in the snyk settings in the corresponding fields.
Last updated