Maven plugin integration with Snyk

Snyk offers a Maven plugin based on the Snyk CLI. This plugin allows you to scan and monitor your Maven dependencies for vulnerabilities.

See all releases on the Maven Central Repository,

Installation of Maven plugin

  1. Get your Snyk API token.

  2. Add the Snyk Maven Plugin to your pom.xml and configure it as needed.

<!-- Example Plugin Configuration -->

Supported versions

  • Java 8 and above.

  • Maven 3.2.5 and above.


code-test (experimental)

Default phase: test

Performs a static-analysis of your project's source code and provides a list of vulnerabilities if any are found.

container-test (experimental)

Default phase: install

Performs analysis of the layers of a container image. The tag of the image to be scanned should be provided as an argument:

<!-- Example of specifying the tag of the image to scan -->


Default Phase: test

Scans your Project's dependencies and provides a list of vulnerabilities if any are found.


Default Phase: install

Takes a snapshot of your Project's dependency tree and monitors it on You'll be alerted when new relevant vulnerabilities, updates, or patches are disclosed.

Configuration for Maven plugin

You can configure the following parameters inside the <configuration> section. All parameters are optional.

apiToken [string]

Do NOT include your API token directly in your pom.xml. Use a variable instead.

You must provide a Snyk API token to access Snyk's services. You can do so by:

  • Providing apiToken in your configuration using a variable.

  • Providing a SNYK_TOKEN environment variable.

  • Authenticating via snyk auth using the Snyk CLI before using this plugin.

skip [boolean]

Default: false

Skip this execution entirely.

When running mvn, you can also use -Dsnyk.skip to enable this behavior.

failOnIssues [boolean]

Default: true

When set to true, should the Snyk CLI tool indicate that action is required to remedy a security issue, the Maven build will be considered failed. When set to false the build will continue even if action is required.

args [array<string>]

This plugin uses Snyk CLI so you can pass any supported arguments using <args>. See the example below.

For a list of supported CLI options, see Snyk CLI commands and options summary.

<!-- Example Arguments Configuration -->

cli [object]

Lets you configure the Snyk CLI used by this plugin.

By default, the CLI is automatically downloaded and updated for you.

See the CLI configuration section that follows.

CLI configuration

For most use cases you don't need to set any <cli> options.

You can configure the CLI in three different modes:

  • Auto-Download and Update (default)

  • Custom CLI Executable

  • Specific CLI Version

Follow the link for each mode to see which parameters are available.

<!-- Example CLI Configuration -->

Auto-Download and Update

updatePolicy [string]

Default: daily

How often to download the latest CLI release. Snyk recommends always keeping your CLI installation updated to the latest version. Can be one of the following:

  • daily - On the first execution of the day

  • always - On every execution

  • never - Never update after the initial download

  • interval:<minutes> - On the execution after more than <minutes> has passed since the last update. For example, interval:60 will update after an hour

downloadDestination [string]

Default: OS-specific

Where to place the downloaded executable. By default, this is OS-specific as follows:

  • Linux - $XDG_DATA_HOME/snyk/snyk-linux or ~/.local/share/snyk/snyk-linux

  • macOS - ~/Library/Application Support/Snyk/snyk-macos

  • Windows - %APPDATA%\Snyk\snyk-win.exe

Custom CLI Executable

executable [string]

Example: ~/.local/share/snyk/snyk-linux

Path to a pre-installed Snyk CLI executable. You can find executables on the Snyk CLI Releases page.

Specific CLI Version

version [string]

Example: 1.542.0

Specify if you want to use a specific version. You can find versions on the Snyk CLI Releases page.

Setting this option triggers a download of the CLI on every execution.


To try out this plugin, see the demo project.

Migrating from Snyk Maven Plugin v1 to v2

All plugin parameters from v1 should be moved to the <args> object, to keep them in line with the CLI usage. For example:

  • org => <arg>--org=my-org-name</arg>

  • failOnSeverity => <arg>--severity-threshold=low|medium|high</arg>

  • failOnAuthError => Use <skip>true</skip> to skip plugin execution.

  • includeProvidedDependencies => provided dependencies are always included.

For a list of supported arguments, see Configuration.

Last updated

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