Explore example Custom Rules

You can find multiple examples of IaC to Cloud Custom Rules written in Rego in the snyk-labs/iac-to-cloud-example-custom-rules repository.

Example of an allowlist

This example showcases creating an allowlist of approved Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).

package rules.APPROVED_AMIS

import data.snyk

input_type := "tf"

metadata := {
	"title": "EC2 instance is using an unapproved AMI",
	"severity": "high",
	"description": "We maintain a list of approved AMIs that fit our security and compliance needs. All DemoCorp EC2 instances must use one of these AMIs.",
	"product": ["iac", "cloud"],
	"platform": ["aws"],

approved_amis := {
	# us-east-1
	# us-east-2

test_approved_amis {

instances := snyk.resources("aws_instance")

deny[info] {
	instance := instances[_]
	not approved_amis[instance.ami]
	info := {"resource": instance}

resources[info] {
	instance := instances[_]
	info := {"resource": instance}

Example of a rule for checking for correct IAM configurations

package rules.S3_ACL

import data.snyk

input_type := "tf"

metadata := {
	"id": "S3_BUCKET_ACL",
	"severity": "critical",
	"title": "All ACLs should be private",
	"description": "Checking S3 Buckets for Private ACLs using the new terraform format.",
	"product": [

buckets := snyk.resources("aws_s3_bucket")

deny[info] {
	bucket := buckets[_]
	acls := snyk.relates(bucket, "aws_s3_bucket.aws_s3_bucket_acl")
	acl := acls[_]
	acl.acl != "private"
	info := {"primary_resource": bucket}


resources[info] {
	bucket := buckets[_]
	info := {"primary_resource": bucket}

resources[info] {
	bucket := buckets[_]
	acls := snyk.relates(bucket, "aws_s3_bucket.aws_s3_bucket_acl")
	info := {
		"primary_resource": bucket,
		"resource": acls[_],

Example of a rule based on the GitHub Terraform Provider

You can write rules for any type of terraform provider or resource, such as GitHub or Snowflake.


import data.snyk

resource_type := "MULTIPLE"

input_type := "tf"

metadata := {
	"title": "Default branch deletion protection not enabled",
	"severity": "high",
	"description": "The history of the default branch is not protected against deletion for this repository.",
	"product": ["iac"],

repos := snyk.resources("github_repository")

is_valid(repo) {
	branch_protection := snyk.relates(repo, "github_repository.branch_protection")[_]
	not branch_protection.allows_deletions

deny[info] {
	repo := repos[_]
	not is_valid(repo)
	info := {"resource": repo}

resources[info] {
	repo := repos[_]
	info := {"resource": repo}

resources[info] {
	repo := repos[_]
	branch_protection := snyk.relates(repo, "github_repository.branch_protection")[_]
	info := {"primary_resource": repo, "resource": branch_protection}

Example of resource tag enforcement


import data.snyk

input_type := "tf"

metadata := {
	"severity": "high",
	"title": "S3 Bucket Tags",
	"description": "All S3 Buckets must be tagged properly - they need to have an owner tag, and a classification tag with the proper values.",
	"product": [

buckets := snyk.resources("aws_s3_bucket")

owners := {

classifications := {

properly_tagged(bucket) {

deny[info] {
	bucket := buckets[_]
	not properly_tagged(bucket)
	info := {"resource": bucket}

resources[info] {
	bucket := buckets[_]
	info := {"resource": bucket}

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