Bundling rules

When you are ready, you can build a custom rules bundle by running the following command:

snyk-iac-rules build

If you have more than your generated rules in the current folder, consider using the --ignore option to exclude the folders and files irrelevant to a production-ready bundle. This can both speed up the process and ensure the size of the generated bundle stays small.

You can override the default entry point. If you have chosen to name the rule that evaluates something different from deny, for example, allow,violationand so on, you can override it by running:

snyk-iac-rules build --entrypoint "<package name>/<function name>"

Finally, you can check the contents of the bundle without extracting it by running:

tar -tf bundle.tar.gz

The output will be all the files included in the bundle:


You can now run snyk iac test with your newly built custom bundle.

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