Classification policy - Use case

You can use the Set Asset Class action from the Policies view to classify the assets based on importance, where class A is the most important and class D is the least important.

You can set the asset class based on:

  • the repository name

  • the asset tags

Snyk AppRisk identifies GitHub and GitLab topics as asset tags.

Use the classification policy to give business context to your application. When you set up a classification policy, all your assets are automatically classified.

If you just started using the classification policy, the recommendation is to focus first on the Class D assets, since they are the least important.

The following example filters the assets that contain sandbox, test, and to-delete in their names. In Snyk AppRisk, GitHub and GitLab topics are pulled in from the SCM integration and applied to repository assets, so if topics like PCI-Compliance have been added to repos in the SCM, Snyk can take those tags in Snyk AppRisk and classify those assets as Class A.

After you set up the filters, you need to apply a Class D asset classification to those assets.

You can apply a similar pattern and create actions for Class A, B, and C assets, within the same policy.

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