Migrating to Bitbucket Pipelines v1.0.0

When upgrading from Bitbucket Pipelines < 1.0.0 to v1.0.0+, there are some changes to note

Changes required

When upgrading from < 1.0.0 to 1.0.0+, the following changes should be made to your configuration:


Basic app dependencies scan example

Uses Snyk to scan a Node.js application and break the build if any vulnerabilities found.

  - npm install

  - npm test

  - pipe: snyk/snyk-scan:1.0.0
      LANGUAGE: "node" # language tag is "node"

  - npm publish
  - npm install

  - npm test

  - pipe: snyk/snyk-scan:0.7.0
      LANGUAGE: "npm" # language tag is "npm"

  - npm publish

Equivalent Snyk Images

The table below lists the Snyk CLI Docker images used in Bitbucket Pipelines < 1.0.0 and the equivalent Snyk Images that can be used in Bitbucket Pipelines > 1.0.0.

NodeJS 14 is installed in all Snyk CLI Docker images for the purpose of installing the CLI. In comparison, NodeJS is only installed Snyk Images containing the node tag

Note that the images will not be exactly like-for-like. Properties like the base image, the installed Snyk CLI version, etc will be different.

But for the purpose of Bitbucket Pipelines, they are functionally equivalent.

Where the supported language/framework has reached EOL, it is highly recommended to use your own user defined custom images with newer versions of the language/framework that is still supported by the vendor.

* There are a selection of gradle Snyk Images which may suit your needs

Last updated

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