Set up the Code Agent

To set up the Code Agent using Docker:

Download or update the Code Agent Docker image

Download the Code Agent Docker image

Pull the Code Agent Docker image from Docker Hub. It is highly recommended to pull and use the latest Docker image version. Download the Snyk Code Agent Docker image to each machine that will run the Code Agent. Docker images are usually cached on the host machine.

To pull the Code Agent Docker image, in the terminal, enter:

docker pull snyk/code-agent

The download process starts for the Code Agent Docker image, for example:

Update the Code Agent Docker image

Pull the Code Agent Docker image again. If you are using the latest tag, the image is automatically updated. Otherwise, provide a new image tag:

docker pull snyk/code-agent:<image_tag>

Remove or stop the older Code Agent container.

Follow the steps in the next section start the new Code Agent container.

Run the Code Agent container

Once the Code Agent image is stored on your machine, in the terminal, enter the following command to launch a container based on the Snyk Broker Code Agent image:

docker run --name <container_name> \
-p <host_machine_port_no._mapped to>:<Code_Agent_container_port_ no.> \
-e PORT=<Code_Agent_container_port_no.> -e SNYK_TOKEN=<Snyk_API_token> --network <network_name> \


  • --name <container_name> is a new name for the Code Agent container. This name is used to define the GIT_CLIENT_URL parameter for the Broker Client that you run next, for example, code-agent.

  • -p <host_machine_port_no._mapped to>:<Code_Agent_container_port_no.> is the mapping of a physical open port in the host machine to a port in the Code Agent container. These port numbers on the host machine and container do not have to be the same. Example: 3001:3000. The port number of the host machine must be unique.

  • -e PORT is the port of the Code Agent container, where it accepts external connections. The default is 3000. This port number must be the same as the <Code_Agent_container_port_ no.> in the -p preceding parameter.

  • -e SNYK_TOKEN is your Snyk API token as it appears in your Account Settings page on the Snyk Web UI.

  • --network is the name of the Docker bridge network that was previously created, for example, mySnykBrokerNetwork.

  • snyk/code-agent:<image_tag> is the Docker image of the Code Agent container. Specify a tag if not using latest.

When the Code Agent setup is completed successfully, the following message appears in the terminal:

{ ..., "msg":"Application started", ... }

Verify the setup and details of the Code Agent container

Run the following:

docker ps

The output is similar to the following:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE            COMMAND                 CREATED      STATUS      PORTS                    NAMES
eebd7d4f0568   snyk/code-agent "docker-entrypoint.s…"   9 days ago   Up 9 days>3000/tcp   code-agent

Example for running the Code Agent

In this example, the following command was entered in a terminal to launch a Code Agent container:

docker run --name code-agent \
-p 3000:3000 \
-e PORT=3000 -e SNYK_TOKEN=fa7fxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --network mySnykBrokerNetwork \


  • --name is the name of the new Code Agent container, code-agent.

  • -p - port 3000 on the host machine is mapped to port 3000 on the Code Agent container.

  • -e PORT is the port of the Code Agent container, where it accepts external connections, 3000.

  • -e SNYK_TOKEN is the Snyk API token, fa7f….

  • --network is the name of the Docker bridge network, used for the communication with the Client Broker, mySnykBrokerNetwork.

  • snyk/code-agent is the Docker image of the Code Agent container.

Connect to a Git instance with an internal certificate

By default, the Code Agent establishes HTTPS connections to the Git instance. If your Git instatnce is serving an internal certificate (signed by your own CA), you can provide the CA certificate to the Code Agent.

For example, if your CA certificate is at ./private/ca.cert.pem, provide it to the Docker container by mounting the folder and using the CA_CERT environment variable:

docker run --name code-agent \
-p 3000:3000 \
-e PORT=3000 -e SNYK_TOKEN=fa7fxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --network mySnykBrokerNetwork \
-e CA_CERT=/private/ca.cert.pem \
-v /local/path/to/private:/private \

Set up the Code Agent to work with a proxy server

To use the Code Agent in an infrastructure that uses a proxy, add the following environment variables to the docker run command of the Code Agent:

-e HTTP_PROXY=http://my.proxy.address:<port_no.> \
-e HTTPS_PROXY=http://my.proxy.address:<port_no.>

If your proxy requires username and password authentication, add the following additional environment variable:

-e PROXY_AUTH=userID:userPass

In addition, add these environment variables to the Broker Client component and a command to bypass the Code Agent.

For more information on using Docker containers with a proxy, see Configure Docker to use a proxy server.

Custom certificates

To use Code Agent with a proxy secured by a custom certificate (HTTPS), add the following environment variables to the docker run command of the Code Agent:

-e HTTP_PROXY=http://my.proxy.address:<port_no.> \
-e HTTPS_PROXY=https://my.proxy.address:<port_no.>

The following steps depend on the version of Code Agent you are running. If you are using the latest tag, to find your nearest versioned image:

  • Compare the digest of your local image against Docker Hub Code Agent Tags: docker images snyk/code-agent --digest

  • Find the next image tag of the form x.y.z that was released before your local image was built.

Version 1.18.0 and later

To trust a custom Certificate Authority, you must have either:

  • A single Certificate Authority (encoded as a PEM), or

  • A directory containing multiple Certificate Authorities (encoded as PEM)

To trust a single certificate, add the following arguments to the docker run command of the Code Agent:

-v local/path/to/ca.pem:/etc/certs/ca.pem \
-e GIT_SSL_CAINFO='/etc/certs/ca.pem'

To trust a directory of certificates, add the following arguments to the docker run command of the Code Agent:

-v local/path/to/certdirectory:/etc/certs
-e GIT_SSL_CAPATH='/etc/certs'

Version 1.16.0 to 1.17.0

Follow the preceding steps and add the following argument to the docker run command of the Code Agent:


Version 1.15.2 and earlier

Code Agent 1.15.2 and below do not support trust of custom Certificate Authorities, and instead must run in a mode that trusts all certificates.

Add the following environment variable to the docker run command of the Code Agent:


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