Nexus Repository - environment variables for Snyk Broker

Environment variables for Nexus 3 configuration

The following environment variables are needed to customize the Broker client for Nexus 3:

BROKER_TOKEN The Snyk Broker token, obtained from your Nexus integration settings (Integrations > Nexus).

BASE_NEXUS_URL The URL of your Nexus 3 deployment. Example: BASE_NEXUS_URL=https://[<username_or_token><password_or_token>]@<> Must not end with a forward slash. The following field is optional: Auth: Omit if no auth required. Can either be plain text or a two-part token (Nexus Pro). URL encode username, password, and tokens to avoid errors that may prevent authentication. Minimal example: Complex example:

BROKER_CLIENT_VALIDATION_URL Nexus validation url, checked by Broker Client systemcheck endpoint. If Nexus user requires auth, use $BASE_NEXUS_URL/service/rest/v1/status/check Example: https://<user>:<pass>@<>/service/rest/v1/status/check) Otherwise use $BASE_NEXUS_URL/service/rest/v1/status Example: https://<>/service/rest/v1/status).

Optional. RES_BODY_URL_SUB This URL substitution is required for npm/Yarn integration and is the same as the URL of the Nexus without credentials appended with /repository Example: https://<>/repository. Must not end with a forward slash.

Environment variables for Nexus 2 configuration

The following environment variables are needed to customize the Broker client for Nexus 2:

BROKER_TOKEN - the Snyk Broker token, obtained from your Nexus integration settings (Integrations > Nexus).

BASE_NEXUS_URL- the URL of your Nexus 2 deployment. Example: BASE_NEXUS_URL=https://[username_or_token:password_or_token] Must not end with a forward slash. The following fields are optional: Auth: Omit if no auth required. Can be either plain text or a two-part token (Nexus Pro). URL encode username, password, and tokens to avoid errors that may prevent authentication. Minimal example: Complex example:

NEXUS_URL: Used as an override if your repositories do not live under /nexus/content The URL that points to the base of your repositories within Nexus. By default, the broker assumes BASE_NEXUS_URL/nexus/content/ as the value.

RES_BODY_URL_SUB The URL of the Nexus instance, including https:// and /nexus/content without basic auth credentials. Required for npm/Yarn integrations only. Must not end with a forward slash.


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