Derived Docker images for Broker Client integrations and Container Registry Agent
Using the information on this page is not required to set up Broker Client integrations. You may use a derived Docker image to set up a Broker Client integration. This is an alternative to running the command explained in the instructions for setting up each integration.
Derived Docker image for Azure Repos Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
Derived Docker image for Bitbucket Server/Data Center Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
Derived Docker image for GitHub Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
Derived Docker image for GitHub Enterprise Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build you own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
Derived Docker image for GitLab Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
Derived Docker image for Jira Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
Derived Docker image for Artifactory Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
Derived Docker image for Nexus 3 Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
By default for Nexus 3, the X-Forwarded-For headers are stripped off by the Broker Client so Nexus returns the npm tarball uri to the Nexus Registry instead of the Broker Server. Include the environment variable REMOVE_X_FORWARDED_HEADERS=false
to disable this behavior.
Derived Docker image for Nexus 2 Broker integration setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
By default for Nexus 2, the X-Forwarded-For headers are stripped off by the Broker Client so Nexus returns the npm tarball uri to the Nexus Registry instead of the Broker Server. Include the environment variable REMOVE_X_FORWARDED_HEADERS=false to disable this behavior.
Derived Docker image for Container Registry Agent setup
As an alternative to using the Docker run command shown on the setup page, you can build your own Docker image and override relevant environment variables:
Last updated
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