Snyk Terms of Support and Services Glossary

The following terms shall apply if and to the extent the offerings below are purchased by the Customer on an Order Form. The Success Offerings are inclusive of the Support Plan with the same name. All Snyk customers receive Standard Success as part of their Subscription Allocation. The Silver, Gold, and Platinum Success Offerings are only available for purchase by customers on the Snyk Enterprise Plan.

Success Offerings

Summary of offerings

*Standard refers to the default Offering that comes along with an Enterprise Plan when the Customer has opted out of purchasing a Success Offering (Silver, Gold, Platinum Success Offerings).

Success Offering descriptions


If the Customer’s Order Form indicates that they are a Snyk Enterprise Plan customer, the Customer shall have access to the following during the Term:

Digital learning resources: Instructor-led group sessions, onboarding guides, and documentation with best practices for a successful rollout. *Free access to the Snyk learning platform and live educational webinars

Customers may purchase enhanced education and training functionality, the Snyk Learning Manager Add-On. This can be added to their Subscription Allocation for an additional fee, as may be set forth on an Order Form.

Online community: Interact with, and learn from, Snyk customers and DevSecOps enthusiasts

Silver Success Offering

Technical Success Manager: Named Technical Resource assigned to your account to guide your onboarding and support your Snyk implementation as it grows and evolves.

Dedicated TSM Hours: Dedicated TSM hours refer to the amount of time the Named Technical Resources will spend working on the account, regardless of whether that time is with the Customer. For instance, if the Customer has questions that a TSM needs to research, the time spent researching is taken into account considering the dedicated hours. The dedicated hours are a guideline meant to set expectations, as opposed to a contractual term. Hours do not roll over. If the Customer needs more time one week, and less the next, the TSM will be flexible and adherent.

The Silver Success offering includes on average up to two (2) dedicated TSM hours per week.

Guided onboarding: Snyk will guide the Customer through onboarding, ensuring the Customer is enabled with the following:

  • Effective account configuration (including Org structure, SSO setup, and so on)

  • Project import strategy

  • Remediation triage strategy

Customer onboarding needs vary depending on the solutions purchased.

Success planning: Snyk will provide a template to assist the Customer with identifying goals and creating their success plan. The Customer is responsible for tracking and executing their plan

Business review cadence: The Technical Success Manager will deliver a business review with the Customer and Snyk account team members twice a year.

Private Slack channel: Direct engagement over Slack with your Technical Account team to encourage collaboration

Gold Success Offering

Technical Success Manager: Named Technical Resource assigned to your account to guide your onboarding and support your Snyk implementation as it grows and evolves.

Dedicated TSM hours: Dedicated TSM hours refer to the amount of time the Named Technical Resources will spend working on the account, regardless of whether that time is with the Customer. For instance, if the Customer has questions that a TSM needs to research, the time spent researching is taken into account considering the dedicated hours.

The dedicated hours are a guideline meant to set expectations, as opposed to a contractual term. Hours do not roll over. If the Customer needs more time one week, and less the next, the TSM will be flexible and adherent.

The Gold Success Offering includes on average up to four (4) dedicated TSM hours per week.

Guided onboarding: Snyk will guide the Customer through onboarding ensuring the Customer is enabled with the following:

  • Effective account configuration (including Org structure, SSO setup, and so on)

  • Project import strategy

  • Remediation triage strategy

Customer onboarding needs vary depending on the solutions purchased.

Success planning: The Technical Success Manager will conduct discovery to uncover the Customer’s short and long-term goals and create a plan to reach them. The Technical Success Manager will also help define the KPIs based on the Customer’s goals and will create a plan for the Customer to track KPIs.

Business review cadence: The Technical Success Manager will deliver a quarterly business review with the Customer and Snyk account team members.

Live training sessions: Snyk will perform live training sessions on a subject of the Customer’s choice to educate on practices that promote the Customer’s success. The Gold Success Offering includes one (1) live training session per month (12 per year).

Private Slack channel: Direct engagement over Slack with your Technical Account team to encourage collaboration.

Platinum Success Offering

Technical Success Manager: Named Technical Resource assigned to the customer account to guide their onboarding and support their Snyk implementation as it grows and evolves.

Dedicated TSM hours: Dedicated TSM hours refer to the amount of time the Named Technical Resources will spend working on the account, regardless of whether that time is with the customer. For instance, if the Customer has a list of questions that a TSM needs to research, the time spent researching is taken into account considering the dedicated hours.

The dedicated hours are a guideline meant to set expectations, as opposed to a contractual term. If the Customer needs more time one week, and less the next, the TSM will be flexible and adherent.

The Platinum Success Offering includes on average up to eight (8) dedicated TSM hours per week.

Solutions Architecture: Snyk will provide in-depth technical consulting as needed, up to 40 hours per quarter, for customer use cases requiring deep integration of Snyk functionality and data into existing enterprise systems and workflows above and beyond the core product workflows, typically through the use of Snyk APIs, CLI automation, and other means in a reliable and scalable way for enterprise customer environments.

Guided Onboarding: Snyk will guide the Customer through onboarding ensuring the customer is enabled with the following:

  • Effective account configuration (including Org structure, SSO setup, and so on)

  • Project import strategy

  • Remediation triage strategy

Customer onboarding needs vary depending on the solutions purchased.

Success Planning: The Technical Success Manager will conduct discovery to uncover the Customer’s short and long-term goals and will create a strategic plan to reach those goals. The TSM will also help define the KPIs based on the Customer’s goals and will create a plan for the customer to track them. As the Customer reaches their goal and matures, the Technical Success Manager will continue to strategize to ensure the Customer’s continued success and growth.

Business Review Cadence: The Technical Success Manager will deliver a business review with the Customer and Snyk account team members quarterly.

Live Training Sessions: Snyk will deliver live training sessions relevant to the Customer's implementation of Snyk and their tech stack and use cases. The Platinum Success Offering includes up to two (2) live training sessions per month (24 per year).

Private Slack channel: Customers have direct engagement over Slack with their Technical Account team to encourage collaboration

Support terms

Summary of Snyk Global Support Offerings

Response times are dependent on the severity of the ticket, the Snyk Plan purchased (Free or Team versus Enterprise), and the Success Offering purchased (Standard, Silver, Gold, Platinum).

Severity definitions

Initial response time details

  • Snyk will prioritize all support requests based on its reasonable assessment of the severity level of the problem reported, and use all reasonable endeavors to meet the timeframes specified in the table above.

  • The times listed are the time frames in which you can expect the first response.

  • First response times apply to support communications through Snyk's support portal only. Private Slack channels are designed for regular collaboration between Snyk and customers but are not subject to specific first response times and should not be used for support communications.

  • For issues outside of the typical support scope, issues determined to require a longer-term fix, or issues that are part of future development cycles, Snyk will provide regular and meaningful updates on a case-by-case basis. This includes, but is not limited to, new feature requests, items within Snyk’s long-term development roadmap, and complex bug fixes.

  • Technical Success Managers do not provide break or fix support and will refer requests for technical issue resolution to Snyk's Technical Support team.

Definitions of Snyk Global Support hours

8x5: Snyk Technical Support Engineers actively respond to tickets within the Customer's local business hours, Monday to Friday.

24x5: Snyk Technical Support Engineers actively respond to tickets 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday in the Customer's local time zone.

24x7: Snyk Technical Support Engineers actively respond to tickets 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. In addition, for urgent customer issues outside of 24x5, Snyk provides a 24-hour support telephone number. This is served by a telephone answering service which routes the request to Snyk on-call engineers. 24x7 support will be provided in English unless during business hours.

Definitions and Support Plan descriptions

Standard Support

The Standard Success Plan includes Standard Support.

Pooled Technical Support: Support tickets are handled and triaged by a pool of Technical Support Engineers.

8x5 support hours (Free and Team plans*): Snyk Technical Support Engineers actively respond to tickets on the next business day, responding within local business hours, Monday to Friday.

24x5 support hours (Enterprise plan): Snyk Technical Support Engineers actively respond to tickets 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Included within the Enterprise plan.

*Includes legacy Business plans

Silver Support

The Silver Success Plan includes Silver Support.

Pooled Technical Support: Support tickets are handled and triaged by a pool of Technical Support Engineers.

24x7 support hours: Snyk Technical Support Engineers actively respond to tickets 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. For urgent customer issues outside of 24x5, Snyk provides a 24-hour support telephone number (+1-844-835-8167). This is served by a telephone answering service, which routes the request to Snyk on-call engineers.

Gold Support

The Gold Success plan includes Gold Support.

Pooled Technical Support: Support tickets are handled and triaged by a pool of Technical Support Engineers.

24x7 support hours: Snyk Technical Support Engineers actively respond to tickets 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. For urgent customer issues outside of 24x5, Snyk provides a 24-hour support telephone number (+1-844-835-8167). This is served by a telephone answering service, which routes the request to Snyk on-call engineers.

Platinum Support

The Platinum Success Plan includes Platinum Support.

The Platinum add-on provides extended, in-depth, and skilled expertise to help you maximize your investment with Snyk. by aligning a Technical Support Engineer to your account who will have the relevant level of depth in your environment, deployment, and use cases that will help to expedite resolution time and offer best practices.

Technical Support Engineer: The aligned Technical Support Engineer (TSE) to be assigned to the Customer's account has familiarity with the Customer's environment and deployment, helps with solving support tickets, and is the Customer's point of escalation. The aligned TSE will also partner with the Customer for incident management.

24x7 support hours: Snyk support engineers actively respond to tickets 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday. For urgent Customer issues outside of 24x5, Snyk provides a 24-hour support telephone number (+1-844-835-8167). This is served by a telephone answering service, which routes the request to Snyk on-call engineers.

Prioritized support ticket routing: Tickets raised by Platinum Success Customers are automatically routed to Snyk Technical Support Engineers and prioritized ahead of non-Platinum ticket traffic.

Implementation and professional services

The Customer acknowledges that the implementation and professional service options listed below may be performed either by Snyk personnel or by Snyk's certified partners under the direction and supervision of Snyk. In either event, Snyk remains fully responsible and liable for the performance of the Snyk Accelerate or Snyk Assist implementation support and its partner's compliance with the terms of the underlying Agreement between Snyk and the Customer, including obligations of confidentiality and data security.

See the service descriptions on each of the following pages.

Last updated

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