Swift and Objective-C for open source

Swift and Objective-C for open source support

Refer to the Swift and Objective-C detail for supported package managers and features.

If you need help, contact Snyk Support.

Open source and licensing

Snyk Open Source features support the following package managers.

Package managers / Features
CLI support
Git support
License scanning
Fix PRs





Swift Package Manager


The requirements follow.

Swift Package Manager
CocoaPods and Snyk CLI

A Package.swift file must be present for the Snyk CLI to discover the Project. Snyk uses the swift package show-dependencies command to build the dependency graph. Limitations: Supports only Projects using Swift 3.0 or higher. Swift Package Manager supports pre-processing and post-processing. For post-processing, custom commands can add extra dependencies. Detecting such dependencies is not supported.

To build the dependency graph, Snyk examines the Podfile and Podfile.lock files. When working with Swift and Objective-C projects from the Snyk CLI, you can prevent testing any lock files that are out-of-sync by using the --strict-out-of-sync=true

The following summarizes support for Git import and testing.

Swift Package Manager and Git
CocoaPods and Git

It is not possible to scan Swift Package Manager Projects using Git import.

To test your Projects, Snyk analyzes the Podfile and Podfile.lock files.

Last updated

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