Snyk CLI for Snyk Code

The Snyk Command Line Interface (CLI) enables you to bring the functionality of Snyk Code into your development workflow. Using the Snyk CLI, you can run Snyk Code tests locally or incorporate them into your CI/CD pipeline to scan your source code for security vulnerabilities.

Prerequisites for using the Snyk CLI with Snyk Code

Before using the Snyk CLI for testing your source code with Snyk Code, verify you have the following prerequisites:

Using the Snyk CLI for Snyk Code tests

To test your repository code using the Snyk CLI, use the snyk code test command. For more information, see Scan source code with Snyk Code using the CLI.

Before running Snyk Code tests with the CLI, you may want to do the following:

For information about using the snyk code test command and the results, see the pages in this section of the documentation and snyk-to-html.

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