Bitbucket Server - Flow and Tech


  1. Fetch the monitored projects from Snyk (if the skipSnykMonitoredRepos flag was not set and the SNYK_TOKEN was exported).

  2. Fetch one/some/all the projects that the credentials have access to from SCM and create a projects list.

  3. Fetch one/all repos under the fetched/provided projects.

  4. Remove the repos that are not monitored by Snyk (if the skipSnykMonitoredRepos flag was not set and the SNYK_TOKEN was exported) and create a Repo list.

  5. Create an import file for unmonitored repos to use for easily importing repos into Snyk account (if the importConfDir flag was set).

  6. Fetch the commits for the fetched/provided repo/s and create a Contributors list.

  7. Count the commits for the repo/s by the contributors.

  8. Remove the contributors that were specified in the exclusion file (if the exclusionFilePath flag was set and a valid path to a text file was provided).

  9. Print the results.

Bitbucket Server API endpoints used

  • To get the repositories from BB Cloud, if a workspace was not provided: /rest/api/1.0/repos

  • To get the repositories from BB Cloud, if a workspace/s was provided: /rest/api/1.0/projects/{Project}/repos

  • To get the commits for the fetched/provided repo/s list: /rest/api/1.0/projects/{Project}/repos/{Repo}/commits

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