Bitbucket Cloud - Examples

The list of options and some examples for Bitbucket Cloud

The following options are available for the snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud command:

  --version                 Show version number                        [boolean]
  --help                    Show help                                  [boolean]
  --user                    Bitbucket cloud username                   [required]
  --password                Bitbucket cloud app password               [required]
  --workspaces              [Optional] Bitbucket cloud workspace name/uuid to count contributors for
  --repo                    [Optional] Specific repo to count only for
  --exclusionFilePath       [Optional] Exclusion list filepath
  --json                    [Optional] JSON output, requiered when using the "consolidateResults" command
  --skipSnykMonitoredRepos  [Optional] Skip Snyk monitored repos and count contributors for all repos
  --importConfDir           [Optional] Generate an import file with the unmonitored repos: A path to a valid folder for the generated import files
  --importFileRepoType      [Optional] To be used with the importConfDir flag: Specify the type of repos to be added to the import file. Options: all/private/public. Default: all

Before running the command

  1. Export SNYK_TOKEN (if you want to get the contributors only for repos that are already monitored by Snyk):

    • Make sure that your token has Group level access or use a service account's token that has Group level access. To learn more about how to create a service account, refer to How to set up a service account.

    • Copy the token value.

    • Export the token in your environment:

  2. Get your Bitbucket Cloud username (not email) and app password

    Note: Make sure your credentials have read access to the repos.

Running the command

Consider the following levels of usage and options:

Usage levels

  • To get commits for all workspaces and their repos in Bitbucket Cloud, provide the Bitbucket Cloud user and app password:

    snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud --user USERNAME --password APP_PASSWORD
  • To get commits for some workspaces and their repos in Bitbucket Cloud, provide the Bitbucket Cloud user, Bitbucket Cloud app password, and a comma-separated list of workspaces:

    snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud --user USERNAME --password APP_PASSWORD --workspaces Workspace1,Workspace2...
  • To get commits for a specific repo in Bitbucket Cloud, provide the Bitbucket Cloud user, Bitbucket Cloud app password, a workspace, and a repo name:

    snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud --user USERNAME --password APP_PASSWORD --workspaces Workspace1 --repo Repo1


  • To get all the commits from Bitbucket Cloud regardless of the repos that are already monitored by Snyk, add the --skipSnykMonitoredRepos flag. You might have repos in Bitbucket Cloud that are not monitored in Snyk; use this flag to skip checking for Snyk monitored repos and go directly to Bitbucket Cloud to fetch the commits.

    snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud --user USERNAME --password APP_PASSWORD --skipSnykMonitoredRepos
  • To exclude some contributors from being counted in the commits , add an exclusion file with the emails to ignore (separated by a new line),and apply the --exclusionFilePath with the path to that file:

    snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud --user USERNAME --password APP_PASSWORD --workspaces Workspace1,Workspace2 --exclusionFilePath PATH_TO_FILE
  • To set the output to json format: add the --json flag:

    snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud --user USERNAME --password APP_PASSWORD --workspaces Workspace1 --repo Repo1 --json
  • To create an import file for your unmonitored repos, add the --importConfDir flag with a valid (writable) path to a folder in which the import files will be stored, and add the --importFileRepoType flag (optional) with the repo types to add to the file (all/private/public, defaults to all). Note that these flags can not be set with the --repo flag.

    snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud --user USERNAME --password APP_PASSWORD --importConfDir ValidPathToFolder --importFileRepoType private/public/all

    For more information about these flags, refer to this Creating and using the import page.

  • To run in debug mode for verbose output, prefix with DEBUG=snyk*:

    DEBUG=snyk* snyk-scm-contributors-count bitbucket-cloud --user USERNAME --password APP_PASSWORD --workspaces Workspace1 --repo Repo1 --exclusionFilePath PATH_TO_FILE --skipSnykMonitoredRepos --json

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