GitHub - Flow and Tech


  1. Fetch one/some/all the orgs that the credentials have access to from SCM and create an orgs list.

  2. Fetch one/all repos under the fetched/provided orgs.

  3. Fetch the commits for the fetched/provided repo/s and create a Contributors list.

  4. Count the commits for the repo/s by the contributors.

  5. Remove the contributors that were specified in the exclusion file (if the exclusionFilePath flag was set and a valid path to a text file was provided).

  6. Print the results.

GitHub API endpoints used

  • To get the orgs from GitHub: /user/orgs

  • To get the list of the repo/s that correlate with the fetched/provided orgs list: /orgs/{Org}/repos

  • To get the commits for the fetched/provided repo/s list: repos/{Org}/{Repo}/commits?since={threeMonthsDate}

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