SBOM test

Feature availability: This feature is available to customers on Snyk Enterprise plans.


snyk sbom test --experimental --file=<FILE_PATH> [<options>]


The snyk sbom test command checks SBOM files for vulnerabilities in open-source packages.

Exit codes

Possible exit codes and their meaning:

0: success (scan completed), no vulnerabilities found 1: action_needed (scan completed), vulnerabilities found 2: failure, try to re-run the command

Configure the Snyk CLI

You can use environment variables to configure the Snyk CLI and set variables for connecting with the Snyk API. See Configure the Snyk CLI


Use the -d or --debug option to output the debug logs.



Required. Use experimental command features. This option is currently required as the command is in its experimental phase.


Required. Specify the file path of the SBOM document.

The snyk sbom test command accepts the following file formats:

  • CycloneDX: JSON version 1.4 and 1.5

  • SPDX: JSON version 2.3

Packages and components within the provided SBOM file must be identified by a PackageURL (purl).

Supported purl types are: apk, cargo, cocoapods, composer, deb, gem, generic, golang, hex, maven, npm, nuget, pub, pypi, rpm, swift.

Example: $ snyk sbom test --experimental --file=bom.cdx.json


Print results on the console as a JSON data structure.

Example: $ snyk sbom test --experimental --file=bom.cdx.json --json

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