Validation and versioning of payloads

Validating payloads

All transports sent to your webhooks have a X-Hub-Signature header, which contains the hash signature for the transport. The signature is a HMAC hexdigest of the request body, generated using sha256 and your secret as the HMAC key.

You could use a function in Node.JS such as the following to validate these signatures on incoming requests from Snyk:

import * as crypto from 'crypto';

function verifySignature(request, secret) {
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret);
  const buffer = JSON.stringify(request.body);
  hmac.update(buffer, 'utf8');

  const signature = `sha256=${hmac.digest('hex')}`;

  return signature === request.headers['x-hub-signature'];

Payload versioning

Payloads may evolve over time, and so are versioned. Payload versions are supplied as a suffix to the X-Snyk-Event header. For example, project_snapshot/v0 indicates that the payload is v0 of the project_snapshot event.

Version numbers only increment when a breaking change is made, for example, removing a field that used to exist, or changing the name of a field. Version numbers do not increment when making an additive change, such as adding a new field that never existed before.

During the BETA phase, the structure of webhook payloads may change at any time, so Snyk recommends that you check the payload version.

Last updated

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