User role management

Feature availability

Managing user roles is available only for Enterprise plans. For more information, see Plans and pricing.

Snyk Manage roles functionality enables you to manage pre-defined and custom roles, allowing you to create and enforce set permissions for roles that reflect the users and functions in your Organization.

Under Manage roles, you can:

For more information, see User management with the API.

Essential information for working with Member roles

  • Permissions granted to users using the Member roles functionality enable the same capabilities across all Snyk environments: Web UI, API, CLI, and IDE.

  • The permission View Organization is needed by default for all Organization-level member roles.

  • If the role is expected to view Project-related data for an Organization along with other operations, the View Organization, View Project, and View Project History permissions should be added to the role at a minimum.

  • For Integration edit abilities, the Edit Organization permission is required.

  • Snyk prevents role privileges from escalating. This means users cannot assign a higher privileged role to others and cannot create service accounts with a higher privileged role.

  • It is advisable to use the Duplicate Role functionality and create a copy of a standard role, then amend the permissions rather than build a role from scratch if you are unsure about the permissions.

Manage roles

You can create, edit, duplicate, and delete custom roles, granting your users the exact permissions they need to do their jobs across the Snyk platform. This ensures the right people have the right access to the right resources at the right time, maximizing transparency and reducing risk.

You will find pre-defined roles such as Organization Admin and Organization Collaborator listed under your Group. These roles can be selected to view their associated permissions, but permissions cannot be added, edited, or removed. Pre-defined role permissions can be duplicated to act as a starting point for any custom role creation.

Create a custom role

Role management for Groups takes place in Settings > Member roles. This is accessible to Group Admins or custom roles with Role management permissions.

Click the Create new role button and enter the New role name, Role Type, and Description. Role names should be unique, reflecting the user's purpose in Snyk and can contain alphanumeric characters plus spaces. The Role Type reflects the permission sets the user can have, Organization-level only or Group and Organization-level.

If you would like to continue, you can click the Create role button. Basic details about the role are visible in the top section of the Role details screen.

The bottom section lists all the permissions available at the level you specified under Role Type, at the Organization or Group level. For more information about the available permissions, see Pre-defined roles.

Snyk provides custom role templates to provide inspiration for your own roles. For more information, see Custom role templates.

Choose the required permissions and click the update button at the bottom of the permissions section. Note that Group-level roles have both Organization and Group-level permissions, and each permission set is updated separately.

You can enable or disable all permissions in a set quickly by using the Enable all or Disable all button in the relevant permissions section. Be sure to update the permissions using the button at the bottom of the section.

Permissions are grouped under categories. This is done so you can understand what functions assigning a permission might enable, and because some permissions require similar permissions to function fully. For example, for a user to move Projects (Move Project permission) in an Organization, the user must also be able to add Projects (Add Project permission) to that Organization, as these permissions work in tandem.

When the process of creating a role is completed, a confirmation message appears.

Edit a custom role

Group Admins can select a custom role from the list on the Member Roles page and update the name, description, and permissions at any time. You can view how pre-defined roles are set up and duplicate those roles, but you cannot edit them.

Select the permissions from the list at the bottom and click Update Role Permissions.

When the process of updating a role completes, a confirmation message appears.

Duplicate a pre-defined or custom role

Group Admins can create a copy of an existing role using the Duplicate role functionality. The system copies only the permissions associated with the role that you are duplicating and role memberships are not copied over.

To copy a role, use the Duplicate button next to each role in the Member Roles list, or select a role from the Member Roles list page, and when the Role details page opens, click the Duplicate Role button.

A Duplicate role pop-up will appear, prompting you to enter a unique name and description. You can select the option to use the description from the role you copied from, but this can be edited later. Click the Duplicate Role button to proceed with creation. A Group Admin or a custom role with Role management permissions can edit this role to assign new permissions to it or remove any permissions already assigned.

Delete a custom role

Group Admins can delete a custom role if it is no longer needed by opening it from the Member Roles list and clicking the Delete role button.

If the role is assigned to one or more users, including service accounts, you must select another role for those users to delete the current role. This restriction prevents the Group Admin from accidentally deleting a role and leaving members without access to Snyk.

When the current role is deleted, all its existing members, including service accounts, are reassigned to the new role selected.

Pre-defined roles cannot be deleted from your Group.

Assign roles

Assign roles to users

You can use the API to update the role assigned to a user in an Organization. For details, see the endpoint Update a member's role in the organization.

Users with Role management permissions can assign roles to users across all Organizations in the Group.

Select an Organization and then select the Members option.

For any member Name except a Group Admin, you can select the dropdown next to the current role and choose any role to assign that role to the member.

You can invite new members to the Organization with an assigned role.

Click Add members > Invite new members and select the role to assign from the New Members join as dropdown.

Click the Add members button > Add existing members to promote current Group Members to an Organization-specific role.

Snyk prevents users from assigning roles to others with more privileges than those the user who is assigning roles already has. If you try to update the role of a member, invite a new member, or add an existing member with a role that has more privileges than you have, you will see the error Cannot assign higher privilege role.

Assign roles to service accounts

Feature availability Service accounts are available only to Snyk Enterprise customers. Free and Team users have access to personal tokens only. Personal tokens are recommended for use with IDEs and the local CLI.

For more information, see Plans and pricing.

Users with the Group-level View, Create, and Edit service account permissions can change the assigned role and related permissions of a service account. For detailed steps, see Assign roles and permissions to a service account.

Change the role of a user

Group Admins or a user with the Manage Users Organization-level permission can assign roles to other users. If you want to add a Group Admin, and your company currently does not have any Group Admins, ask Snyk support to promote at least one user.

Follow these steps to change the role of a Group or Organization user:

  1. Log in to your Snyk account and navigate to the Group or Organization where you want to change the role of a user.

  2. Select the Members option.

  3. Find the member to update.

  4. Update the role for that member using the dropdown next to the user.

Alternatively, use the endpoints Update a member in the organization and Remove a member from the organization to update the role of members in your Organization. This API call does not support updating the role of Group Members.

If the user is not already a part of your Group, you must first add that user as a member of at least one Organization; see Add members on the Manage users in Organizations page. The user then appears on the Group > Members page with the role Group Member, allowing you to change the role to Group Admin or Group Viewer.

Use roles in custom SSO

Member roles are supported as part of a customized SSO authentication flow. All new and existing customers who have customized SSO can use new roles they create in their IDP SAML assertions to provision users in their Organizations with those roles.

For more details, see Custom mapping

If you already have Custom SSO set up, or are planning to create Member roles after setting up Custom SSO, you can use Member roles with no modification to the Snyk Custom SSO configuration, provided you send the normalized role name in your payload in the agreed-upon format.

Permissions required to edit Project attributes from the Snyk CLI

The Organization Collaborator role lacks permission to edit Project attributes, including using the CLI snyk monitor command with arguments such as --project-environment. Attempting to use these arguments without the proper permission causes the snyk monitor command to fail.

Users or service accounts requiring the ability to edit Project attributes must be an Organization Admin or have a custom role with the Edit Project Attributes permission assigned. A user who does not have this permission must remove any arguments that edit the Project attributes to use the snyk monitor command.

Last updated

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