Project tags

Feature availability Project tags are available only for Enterprise plans. For more information, see Plans and pricing.

Project tags use and conditions

Using tags in the Web UI, API, and CLI

Group and Organization admins can perform the actions explained on this page. Collaborators can perform the actions if they are in an Organization that is part of the Group.

The Project tags feature allows you to add custom metadata to Snyk Projects. You can create and delete tags, apply tags to and remove tags from Projects, and filter Projects using tags.

You can perform these actions in the Snyk Web UI, as shown on this page.

You can also perform these actions using the API endpoints Add a tag to a Project, Remove a tag from a Project, and List all tags in a Group.

You can set values for a tag applied to a Project and clear the Project tags using the Snyk CLI option --project-tags. See the CLI commands and options summary for the commands that support this option.

If a Project tag is no longer assigned to a Project, the tag will no longer exist.

Tag conditions

The following conditions apply to Project tags:

  • Keys are limited to 30 characters.

  • Values are limited to 256 characters.

  • Keys allow only alphanumerics and the following characters -, _

  • Values allow these characters plus /, :, ?, #, @, &, +, =, %, ~

  • Reusing a key and value combination does not add to the count.

How to create tags

To create a new tag for a Snyk Project:

  1. On the Project details page, under TAGS, click Add a key/value...

  2. Add the new key and click Enter.

  3. Add a new value and click Enter.

You have created a new tag. When a new tag is created, it is automatically applied to the Project it was created in. The tag can also be used for any other Project in the Group.

You can apply multiple Project tag values to the same Project tag key.

After you create a tag, it can be applied to other Projects in the Snyk Group.

How to delete tags

To delete a Project tag from the Group, use the API endpoint Delete a tag from a Group.

This endpoint has the option in the Body to specify "force": false or "force": true. If you specify "force": true, the tag will be removed from any Projects to which it is applied, and it will then be deleted. If you specify "force": false and the tag is still applied to any Projects, error 403 “the tag has entities” occurs. Otherwise, tag deletion should succeed.

A tag will only exist if it has been created and applied to one or more Projects. If a tag is

removed from all Projects, it will no longer exist.

How to apply and remove tags

If a tag exists in your Group, you can apply it to any Snyk Project.

  1. On the Project details page, click the + icon under TAGS.

  2. You can either select a key from the list of recently used keys or type out the key for the tag you want to apply to the Project.

  3. You can either select a value from the list of recently used values or type out the key value you want to apply to the Project.

  4. After you select the value, the tag is applied to your Project.

  5. To remove a tag from a Project, click the x for the tag. If you remove a tag and it has not been assigned to any other Project, the tag will no longer exist.

How to filter the Projects listing by tags

When Group by none (ungrouped) is applied to the Projects listing page, you can filter the list by tags using the option in the menu.

There is a filter by tag autocomplete. This is intentionally limited to a small number of results. If your tag is not displayed, enter more characters for the tag until it rises to the top of the results.

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